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teenagers dancing on hardwood floor as a dance class in high school
Peer Review: Developing a relatedness-supportive learning environment in dance: Small group learning activities
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 4 Abstract Dance within physical education can serve as an avenue to create a relatedness-supportive environment – one in which students have opportunities to...
Authored by: Jennifer Gruno, Sandra Gibbons
group of young children in a classroom standing in a circle dancing
Brand-New Resources for Successful Dance Education
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 4 For the past three years, members of the PHE Canada Program Advisory Committee for Dance Education (Dance PAC), have been working in partnership with Canada...
Authored by: Emily Caruso Parnell
many students in a gymnasium running on the spot following the physical education teaching standing in the front of the class
Teacher to Teacher: Getting School Administrators on Board with QDPE
[ Feature Article ] Being a health and physical educator is rewarding. Your work has an impact on the lives of your colleagues, your students and their parents. But it’s also a career with its challenges. We want our...
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someone sitting with their hands together on their knees and a woman in the background holding a clipboard while sitting. Looks like they are a counsellor supporting the other person. g
Teachers' Tools for Mental Health
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 3 Mental health disorders affect 15 to 20% of Canadian children and youth, and represent the most common health problem impacting this group (Kessler et al...
Authored by: Alan Leschied, Susan Rodger
5 children sitting at a table eating together and smiling
Online Planner Helps Build Healthier Schools
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 3 The Healthy School Planner is an online tool that schools across Canada can use, free of charge, to assess the health of their school and build a plan for...
Authored by: Jennifer Yessis, Dana Zummach, Jo-Ellen Craig, Katherine Kelly
high school students sitting at desks writing notes
Are Ontario Secondary School Staff Trained and Supported in Delivering Healthy Eating and Weight-Related Initiatives?
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 3 Abstract This paper examines the professional development and support of school staff in the effective and safe delivery of healthy eating and weight-related...
Authored by: Karen Patte, Scott Leatherdale

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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