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two parents with their child at a grocery store. They are pushing a shopping cart and looking at food packages.
Why We Need to Stop Marketing to Kids
[ Feature Article ] Imagine your reaction if you were walking down the street and saw a 15 year old smoking a cigarette. You’d likely feel some form of shock, disgust or even outrage. Just half a century ago, however...
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a group of students in a gymnasium stretching their legs
The Decline of Canada’s PE Programs and the Impact on Student Health
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 1 With screen time and sedentary lifestyles on the rise, and 1 in 3 Canadian children falling into the category of obese or overweight, there is genuine cause...
Authored by: Kristine Lee
a teacher wearing a blue shirt holding an iPad while students are doing an activity
12 In-Class Tech Tools
[ Feature Article ] Looking for ways to integrate smartphones and tablets into classroom learning? Here's a collection of road-tested apps, designed for in-class fun, efficiency and engagement. Coach’s Eye: Record a...
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5 children in a weight lifting room on their sides holding a side plank exercise
The School Study Sparking Major Change
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 4 In 2003, something big happened at my Naperville high school in Illinois. Harvard researcher John Ratey (who later wrote Spark: The Revolutionary New Science...
Authored by: Paul Zientarski
adults dancing in a dance studio in partners
Transformative Experiences Through Dance: One Teacher’s Story
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 4 When Eric entered the education gym with his friend Alekcei to enroll in Project Move at the University of Saskatchewan, he thought, "you've got to be...
Authored by: Brenda Kalyn, Eric Campbell
3 children walking on tree stumps in a forest. There is a tree fort behind them.
Why Children Need Outdoor Risky Play
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 4 In January 2015, I was invited to be part of a diverse group of professionals from across Canada, specializing in the fields of physical education, physical...
Authored by: Dr. David Chorney

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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