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4 children standing together. Two have their arms up and are looking at the sky and two are looking at the camera. One is wearing an orange shirt, a yellow shirt and overalls, a pink shirt, and a navy blue shirt.
Ripple Effect: Afterschool Programming and Communities
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 4 Afterschool programming has the potential to be a critical component of students’ overall wellbeing. It can also have a significant impact on the health of...
Authored by: Mary Lou Andrea
a teacher leading a stretch in the gym and there are 4 students following. They are stretching their tricep and their arm is over their head while they are grabbing that elbow.
Teacher to Teacher: Members' Q&A
[ Feature Article ] In this issue: Analyzing if assessment should be based on uniform readiness and an exercise to help students understand the impact of bullying
Authored by:
a group of 5 girls in a huddle facing their coach/teacher. They are wearing red pinnies and a black t-shirt while the adult is wearing a black track suit.
Grade 10 Student Attitudes About Physical Activity and Teachers' Understanding
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 3 Objective This investigation examined grade 10 high school students’ attitudes and values toward physical education and physical activity, as well as grade...
Authored by: Emilio Landolfi
5 children on a tennis court swinging a tennis racket to hit a ball
The Untapped Potential of Physical and Health Education
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 3 Abstract Participation in a quality physical education program provides many well-known learning opportunities and benefits for students. However, this paper...
Authored by: Brent Bradford, Stephen Berg
two adult men in a gymnasium shaking hands. One is holding a basketball.
The Role of Mentoring in Physical Education Teacher Education: Mentoring in Practice
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 3 This article is the second of a two-part series on mentoring in physical education and teacher education (PETE) programs. Part 1 was published in the PHE...
Authored by: Dr. Shannon Kell
a young girl crawling on a log that is stabilizing on two large rocks. The log is overtop of a small stream in a forest.
In Praise of Risky Play
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in volume 81, Issue 3 Picture children running through a half-cut soccer field, shoeless, smiling and chasing a partially inflated soccer ball. Nearby, children climb a tree as...
Authored by: Kaelin Gillis, Ollie Jupp

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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