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4 children walking down a hallway with backpacks on. The child in the centre is turned, looking back and smiling.
10 Ways to Build Inclusive Activity Programs for Newcomers
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 2 As images of the Syrian refugee crisis continue to frequent our news channels, it’s becoming increasingly important to consider how we are supporting...
Authored by: Amanda Stanec
4 students standing in a dance studio wearing red shirts pointing to the ceiling and smiling
Teaching Dance: The Basics
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 2 In my work I meet a lot of new teachers. Some of them are still enrolled in university and are completing their practice teaching, while others are in their...
Authored by: Emily Caruso Parnell
a child kicking a soccer ball on a field. You can see from their torso down. They are wearing a green jersey, with a red long sleeve top underneath, black shorts, orange socks, and black cleats.
Physical Literacy: Breaking Down Silos Between Sectors
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 1 Abstract This article discusses the promotion of physical literacy as a possible solution to the current state of physical inactivity among Canadian children...
Authored by: Ashley Johnson, Hilary A McKenna, Lucie Lévesque
5 children wearing white t-shirts running in a gymnasium following one another
Group Experiences in Health and Physical Education: Selection Considerations for Teaching Practice
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 1 Introduction Pairings, groups and teams are often central to how we organize or structure health and physical education (HPE) experiences. Indeed, the nature...
Authored by: Joe Barrett, Dan Robinson, Katrien Ecclestone
4 children playing on playground equipment at school. two are on the blue slide, one is waiting in line behind, and another is climbing the steps to get on top of the play structure.
Survey Results: Healthy School Learning Communities of Practice
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 1 Introduction Physical and Health Education Canada’s (PHE Canada) Health Promoting Schools Initiative (HPS) is aimed at supporting school community efforts to...
Authored by: Sharon Jollimore, Ruth Fisher
two parents with their child at a grocery store. They are pushing a shopping cart and looking at food packages.
Why We Need to Stop Marketing to Kids
[ Feature Article ] Imagine your reaction if you were walking down the street and saw a 15 year old smoking a cigarette. You’d likely feel some form of shock, disgust or even outrage. Just half a century ago, however...
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Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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