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Imagined Possibilities for the Future: What Will You Hang On to Post-Pandemic?
[ Feature Article ] "Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one [COVID-19] is no different. It is a portal, a gateway, between one world and the next. We can...
Authored by: Lee Schaefer, Heather Callum, Jen McKenzie, Melanie Davis, Dr. Shannon Kell, Ellen Long
a teacher leading a physical education class during a warm. students are jogging on the spot.
Educational Research: Something Worthy of Physical and Health Education Teachers’ Consideration
[ Research ] Previously published Volume 87, Issue 1 Abstract Educational research can be an influential form of professional development to expand and enrich teachers’ practice. Research has the potential to...
Authored by: Dr. Nathan Hall, Dr. Lauren Sulz, Dr. Daniel B. Robinson
Putting the New Canadian Healthy School Standards Into Action
[ Feature Article ] Putting the New Canadian Healthy School Standards Into Action Wellbeing is essential, transcending all aspects of our lives: socially, academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. But with...
Authored by: Heather Callum
#Share2Care - Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being in a Year it was Needed Most
[ Feature Article ] #Share2Care - Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being in a Year it was Needed Most Undoubtedly, this has been one of the most challenging years for schools, administrators, teachers and students. With...
Authored by: Ryan Fahey
3 students on yoga mats in table top position wearing white tshirts and black shorts
Pleasure and Happiness in Education (an Alternative Form of PHE) (Peter Train 2021)
[ Research ] Previously published Volume 86, Issue 4 Abstract In what ways might ‘a pursuit of pleasure and happiness’ transform curriculum and pedagogy in secondary school physical and health education? This...
Authored by: Dr. Peter Train, BA Hons., PGCE, MSc., MEd., PhD
Integrating the Circle of Courage Into PE Programming
[ Feature Article ] Integrating the Circle of Courage Into PE Programming Over the course of my career since having a family (our girls are 24 and 26), I have at times viewed education much more from the perspective of a...
Authored by: Grant McManes

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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