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two children in the forest. one is on the ground and the other is helping them up by holding their hand.
Teacher to Teacher: What Support Do PHE Teachers in Canada Need Right Now?
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 87, Issue 3 The ever-shifting ground of the pandemic has meant a lot of careful navigating for educators. We asked: What Support Do PHE Teachers in Canada need right now...
Authored by:
3 young girls standing in a grass field in the sunshine
COVID-19 and Beyond: Nature-Based Physical Activities for Physical and Health Education
[ Feature Article ] Nature-based physical activities for Physical and Health Education
Authored by: Sandra Gibbons, Jennifer Gruno
four youth near a walk helping one of the attempting to climb it
Physical And Health Education Curriculum and Pedagogy
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 87, Issue 3 Abstract Physical and Health Education nurtures in young people an integrated sense of motivation, confidence, and understanding of how to navigate the world...
Authored by: John Corlett, Launa Linaker, James Mandigo
Teach(er) Resiliency Blog Series: The Power of Values to Drive Your Well-Being
[ Feature Article ] Teach(er) Resiliency Blog Series: The Power of Values to Drive Your Well-Being As educators, you are all too familiar with the importance of promoting healthy habits and values with students so they...
Authored by: Ryan Fahey
Seriously Folks—Why Are We Taking Learning Sitting Down?
[ Feature Article ] Seriously Folks—Why Are We Taking Learning Sitting Down? It's been on the news, in the papers, and it should come as no surprise that movement is good for our bodies, increases oxygen flow, and...
Authored by: Travis Saunders, Melanie Davis
Teach(er) Resiliency Blog Series: Overcoming Trauma and the Lessons I Learned Along the Way
[ Feature Article ] Teach(er) Resiliency Blog Series: Overcoming Trauma and the Lessons I Learned Along the Way We have all been through a lot. No need to sugar coat it. Our relationships, patience, trust, empathy, and...
Authored by: Megan Brain

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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