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two children in the centre of the photo in the figure of a super hero flying in the air
Back to School - Your Brain on PE
[ Feature Article ] Back to School - Your Brain on PE Our school year is well under way, and most have likely found that familiar rhythm and groove that we move through our teaching days with. What you may not recognize...
Authored by: Kaelin Tingley
Nature-Based Physical Activity in Physical and Health Education
[ Feature Article ] During a time of wide-scale obesity and detachment from nature, a strategy is needed to get our young people moving out in the fresh air.
Authored by: Jennifer Gruno
kids dancing in a dance studio
Three Easy Ways to Get Your Students Dancing This Year!
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 85, Issue 2 With the start of another school year, you likely already have great ideas about how to get your students more active and engaged this year. But here’s an...
Authored by: Canada's National Ballet School
young girl sitting in a pile of leaves
Outdoor Solo Time: What Do Elementary Students Think?
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 85, Issue 2 Abstract A beneficial practice, outdoor solo reflection time supports sustainable wellbeing for all ages, but it is not well known how to effectively...
Authored by: Chelsea Harney, Dr. Shannon Kell
children cheering on the field with a teacher
Teacher to Teacher: Getting Coworkers on Board with Physical Education Program
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in volume 85, Issue 2 Being a health and physical education professional is rewarding, but it's also a career with challenges. We want to help our members connect and share the...
Authored by:
Supporting Indigenous Youth - Learning about Culture and Identity
[ Feature Article ] Supporting Indigenous Youth - Learning about Culture and Identity Boozhoo, My spirit name is Nimkii Giizis which translates to Thunder Day, but my English name and what I have been going by, for the...
Authored by: Mike Cywink

Assessment in Physical and Health Education

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