Professional Learning

PHE Canada Mentorship

The images showing professors and students interacting in a university setting.

Why should I apply to be mentored in this program?

As you start your career in physical and health education, it will be helpful that you have access to national and regional mentors to help you deepen your knowledge, gain pedagogical insight, and increase your confidence after graduation.

To apply to the program and to get matched with a mentor, click this link.

How does Mentorship support my first few years of teaching?

Having a mentor is a great way to reflect on  your developing teaching practice. Connecting with an experienced mentor can help you find solutions to challenges you may face as a new teacher.

Our hope is that each conversation you have with your mentor will lead to feelings of increased validation that you are on the right track. This is important feedback as many PHE positions are often taught in semi-isolated or fully isolated environments which is different from other subject areas.

At the end of your time with the mentoring program, PHE Canada will send you a digital certificate of completion for your portfolio and teacher education records - a big bonus in job interviews! 

To view the list of national mentors you could be matched with, click this link.

What benefits will I receive as a student?

When you sign up for the mentorship program, you will also become a student member of PHE Canada. As a PHE Canada student member, you share all the benefits of the PHE Canada Professional membership for the duration of your studies. This includes exclusive access to the PHE Canada Student Centre, which is designed to support you in your studies, practicums, and the years of service you embark on as an educator following your program. 

Explore the tools, information, mentorship opportunities, and resources to support your growth in your profession by clicking this link.

What is the time commitment for the Mentorship program?

Once enrolled, you and your mentor will connect a minimum of 1-3 times virtually, or in-person. These connections can range anywhere from 30 - 90 minutes.

How are mentors and mentees paired together?

Mentors and mentees are paired together through PHE Canada’s match-maker process. Our team reviews your application, what you are looking for, and then selects the mentor that will best support your journey.

Does the Mentorship program cost anything?

PHE Canada Mentorship Program is free to you as long as you meet the mentee eligibility criteria.

We encourage you to stay connected by becoming a PHE Canada Student Member or Supporter. Both will give you easy access to PHE Canada's program and resources, keep you in touch with PHE Canada, and it's free!

Still have unanswered questions surrounding our mentorship program? Email us at [email protected]