Read more from PHE Canada
[ Feature Article ] The 2023 PHE National Conference is just around corner, with hundreds of physical and health educators and healthy school champions from across the country set to arrive in beautiful Charlottetown, PEI. While the Conference offers a packed schedule of activities and...
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 87, Issue 3 The ever-shifting ground of the pandemic has meant a lot of careful navigating for educators. We asked: What Support Do PHE Teachers in Canada need right now? Coming out of the Pandemic and with things trying to become normal again...
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 87, Issue 2 Wellbeing is essential, transcending all aspects of our lives: socially, academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Since March 2020, students in Canada have experienced significant challenges to their wellbeing, with...
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 86, Issue 3 Tis the season to teach – both indoors and outside. Here is a short compilation of our top three tips. More outdoor teaching content can be found from an upcoming new resources that PHE Canada will launch in early 2021. Please note...
[ Feature Article ] Across Canada, teachers are going above and beyond to ensure their classrooms are inclusive and inviting for all students. Read more about what they are doing below. Stories from the Field: Portraits of Gender Equity Champions Karli Gibson firmly believes that inclusive...
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 86, Issue 2 On My Way!... A Journey of a Star Named Rae The At My Best storybook is a staple of the K-3 At My Best programming. This year, PHE Canada has worked closely with designers, animators, narrators, translators, and gender-equity...