
2025 PHE Canada Research Forum

Schedule Overview

Schedule is subject to change. * Additional costs may apply (e.g., additional event tickets, cash bar, touring activities).

Forum Schedule

Thursday May 1, 2025

7:00 am –  Research Forum Registration Opens Sheraton Fallsview
8 am – 9:30 am  Forum Welcome Remarks / Awards and Keynote Sheraton Fallsview
9:30 am –11:50 am  Forum Morning Sessions x 2 Sheraton Fallsview
12:10pm - 1:00pm Graduate Student World Café Sheraton Fallsview
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm  Forum Lunch Sheraton Fallsview
2:00 pm – 5:30 pm  Forum Afternoon Sessions x 3 Sheraton Fallsview
5:30 pm –  Forum Social & Activities Off-site

Session Description:

  1. Graduate Student World Cafe: Work from graduate students at any point in their program is invited. With this format, graduate students will begin with a 3MT, and then participate in an active world cafe. This format is intended to take the place of the traditional poster presentations and promote dialogue and mentorship. Graduate students will be asked to post a 1-page summary and/or their slides to the conference app prior to the World Cafe beginning.
  2. Oral Presentation: For research that has been completed but not yet presented at a conference, presenters will have 12-15 minutes to present their research followed by 2-3 minutes of questions (presentation time will depend on the number of submissions received).
  3. Oval Table: A non-traditional round table discussion as a space for sharing projects and ideas that may not necessarily be identified as research in the traditional sense. This may include community-based work, collaborative projects, and other relevant topics/ideas. Presentation (20 minutes) and facilitation of a discussion (7-10 minutes).
  4. Disrupt and Dismantle Panel Discussion: These are NOT research presentations but rather an opportunity to discuss a controversial issue in Physical or Health Education (e.g., sport influence on PHE, use of fitness testing, uninformed/political opinions on curriculum development, etc.). For this presentation type, the presenter(s) will propose the topic for discussion and invite 4-5 ‘experts’ to present varying points of view on the topic. The session will last approximately one hour.