
One way donors can ensure their legacy lives on is through will planning. Will planning is the highly personal process of deciding how one’s assets will be distributed after their lifetime.

How to Leave a Planned Gift   
Having a will in place is the simplest way to distribute estate after one passes. It also makes it easy to give the gift of a lifetime in support of a cause — a gift that has the power to strengthen PHE and healthy schools well into the future. It is helpful to consult a lawyer or financial planning professional to create a will.

A bequest is the most common type of planned gift. This can be a sum of money, a piece of property, or a percentage of an estate that is designated to PHE Canada in a will. Below are a few examples of language to consider using when creating or revising a will. If the donor has special wishes regarding how they would like to personalize and design the bequest or other planned gift, they will need to note such requests in their will and/or can contact PHE Canada directly. 


Below are examples of language that can be used within a will:

Residual Charitable Bequests – Give a percentage or residue of an estate.
“I give to PHE Canada, currently located at 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X7 [_________ %] of the rest, residue, or remainder of my estate to be used for its general charitable purposes in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”

Specific Charitable Bequest - Give a specific asset or collection of assets such as cash, stocks/securities, or other designated property
“I give [$ ______________] or [a specific asset] to PHE Canada, currently located at 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X7, to be used for its general charitable purposes and  held and administered in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”

Directed Bequest 

“I give, devise, and bequeath [______________%] or [ $ ____________] or [a specific asset] to PHE Canada, currently located at 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 7X7, to be used to support [_____________________________] and held and administered in accordance with this organization’s applicable practices and policies.”

It is advised that donors consult a lawyer or financial planning professional to complete the will.


Supporting Documents