
Students Together Moving to Prevent Tobacco Use

If you or your school are looking for more ways to share tobacco, vaping or other nicotine prevention related activities and information at your school, check out the list of resources below.

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View curriculum connections thumbnail

Curriculum Connections

Want to understand how the STOMP project aligns with your local health education and/or healthy living...

CATEGORY: Curriculum Connections
View STOMP Glossary of Terms

STOMP Glossary of Terms

Want to learn more about all the terms you may hear related to tobacco and vaping throughout the STOMP project...

CATEGORY: General Resources
View Healthy School Certification Program

Healthy Schools Certification Infographic

This interactive tool is designed to show you everything you need to know about the website for your STOMP...

CATEGORY: Kits for Schools
View Designing A Habit-Able Environment Activity Thumbnail

Activity: Design A Habit-ABLE Environment

Students unpack how the environment shapes their behaviour and design their ideal spaces to encourage healthy...

CATEGORY: Classroom Activities
View Harm Reduction Blogs Activity Thumbnail

Activity: Harm Reduction Blogs

Students analyze what harm reduction means in the context of substance use.

CATEGORY: Classroom Activities
View Responding To Risk Activity Thumbnail

Activity: Responding to Risk

Students examine risky behaviour and practice responding to risk situations.

CATEGORY: Classroom Activities
View Quest For Quitting Activity Thumbnail

Activity: The Quest for Quitting

Students consider what it means to quit smoking or vaping, or support a friend/peer to do so.

CATEGORY: Classroom Activities
View Understanding My Stress Thumbnail

Activity: Understanding My Stress

Students unpack what stress is and reflect on how they can respond to it moving forward.

CATEGORY: Classroom Activities