The Canadian Physical and Health Education Competencies (Competencies) are designed for education policy writers, curriculum developers, and governments upon which to ground curriculum, policy, and administrative decisions. It is not intended to be used in its full, unedited form, but instead used as the backbone for individual jurisdictions to update and modernize their individual curriculum documents.
This document can be used by both practicing physical and health educators and those who instruct them to inform and enhance daily practice. While the Competencies clearly outline what could be taught and learned within physical and health education, it leaves how it should be taught and assessed to physical and health education teacher educators, professional in-service educators and local school system leaders.
Unsure of the state of your curriculum? Check your Ministry’s website here.
School System Leaders:
- Order your copy of the Competencies and use them to guide your next curriculum update.
- Connect with PHE Canada ([email protected]) to learn more about the process and the integral role of Physical and Health Education in child development.
In-Service Teachers:
- Review the Competencies and incorporate as many of the big ideas and themes into your classroom.
- Compare your curricula to the Competencies and see where you may be able to better support your students.
Post-Secondary Institutions:
- Review the required time for Physical and Health Education Teacher Instruction for all pre-service teachers.
- Increase the support and resources provided to pre-service teachers within the Physical and Health Education subject areas.
Pre-Service Teachers:
- Review the Competencies and incorporate them into your teaching from Day 1.
- Be a strong voice within your school community for physical and health education.
- Bring the Canadian PHE Competencies document to your instructors to incorporate into their teaching.
Parents and Guardians:
- Inquire at school board meetings about the number of minutes per week dedicated to each physical and health education.