
Physical and Health Education National Conference


PowerPoints for Download

  • Alternatives to Fitness Assessments download
  • Can you Breakout download
  • Canada's Food Guide download
  • Change the Game: Developing Physical Literacy Among Adolescents download
  • DPA the CIRA Way download
  • Enhancing Secondary Physical Education: Fitness education strategies that engage students and elevate your program download
  • Implementing a Mental Health Literacy Strategy: Model, Scaffold, Coach: download
  • Inuit Games: download 1, 2
  • Low Org Games for High School download
  • Putting the ME In PE download
  • Tips and Tricks of the Trade from Nova Scotia: download
  • Scream, Laugh, and Run download
  • Spikeball ( Roundnet ) download 1, 2
  • Supporting a Whole School Approach to Mental Health download
  • Using Participatory Methods to Teach Sexual Health: download
  • Using Innovative Equipment to Learn Striking/Fielding Games download
  • Adaptation de l'EPS pour les TSA download
  • Éducation physique des filles : Mieux les connaître, mieux leur enseigner download
  • Incitez vos élèves à être plus actifs DÈS AUJOURD’HUI avec BOKS (préparons la réussite des enfants) / Get your students more active TODAY with BOKS (Build Our Kids' Success) (bilingual workshop) download English, French
  • La trottinette en éducation physique, pour vrai ?   download 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Proposition de mise en oeuvre de la compétence Adopter un mode de vie sain et actif download
  • Turbo math; l'activité physique comme levier aux apprentissages download
  • Une gestion de classe qui favorise l'engagement des élèves en ÉPS download



* For pre-conference workshops, please visit this page.


arrow.png Assessment and Technology Integration


Assessing Physical Literacy or Efficient Movers? Lessons Learned.

Grant McManes | Healthy Living Coordinator, Louis Riel School Division; PHE Canada Board of Directors

Are we assessing Physical Literacy or Fundamental Movement Skills?  Assessment in physical education can be complicated and confusing.  Participants in this session will engage with lessons learned from teachers using the PHE Canada Passport for Life (P4L) Physical Literacy Assessment Tool as well as other assessment strategies. Participants will be actively involved in various P4L assessment tasks. We will also discuss how we can unclutter assessment to provide meaningful feedback to students to assist them in their physical literacy journey and lead a healthy active lifestyle.

Assessment in Action: Exploring assessment FOR learning in Physical Education

Joey Feith | St. George’s School of Montréal,

Assessment in physical education is an obstacle that continues to bewilder physical educators. The struggle of balancing activity time with reflection time leaves teachers confused as to what to prioritize. In this active session, we will be exploring the "what", "why" and "how" of purposeful assessment in PE.

Promoting Physical Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Communicating Student Learning in PHE through GPAI assessment

Steve McGinley | University of British Columbia; Brent Jackson | York House School

Using the GPAI during instruction and assessment can lead to an increase in physical self-efficacy, unlocking higher motivation and participation. Attendees will gain experience with the GPAI to promote physical self-efficacy, communicate student learning, and potentially enact change in their departments. 

Alternatives to Fitness Assessments

Dr. Tara Blackshear | Towson University, Maryland, USA

Are you tired of your fitness testing program?! The one-size-fits-all approach with some standardized tests fails to address various student needs and stages of development. Come to this session to explore and develop fitness assessments with realistic practical applications designed to promote physical literacy.




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But I Don't Want To Take PE!! Promoting Inclusion for Females, Males and Transgender Students

Allison Gamble | London South Collegiate Institute, Thames Valley District School Board

In this active workshop, participants will experience activities which promote inclusion in Physical Education for females, males, and transgender students. In Ontario, a course was created to fill a need for those students who desired a pathway in physical education without the focus on specific sports or competition. In this session, participants will experience lessons that focus on Fundamental Movement Competencies through active participation and explore assessment tools following each activity.

Inuit Games

Eugene Contreras | Lord Aylmer School, Western Quebec School Board; Aalla | Ottawa Inuit Children’s Center

This active workshop will introduce participants to various traditional Inuit Games and suggest ways to play them with your students, challenging them to test their strength, agility and endurance. Beyond how to play the games, the presenters will put them into the context of traditional Inuit life and how they are related to survival and culture in the Arctic environment. There will also be a short presentation on igloo building, in the context of using the school igloo as a hook and focal point for playing Inuit Games.

Self-Worth and the Female Adolescent

Dr. Kathryn Kalnes | New Trier High School, Winnetka, Illinois, USA

This workshop will inspire practitioners to create a PE and health classroom that cultivates confidence, self-worth, and body satisfaction among adolescent female students. The workshop will address class set-up including physical activities, classroom discussion topics, and research-based ways to improve self-worth by bringing awareness to how our daily communication, discussions, and lesson plans can influence self-worth of our female students. Attendees will be provided with tips and tools to help their students build confidence and courage needed to use their voice and create change.

Adaptation de l'EPS pour les TSA (workshop in French)

Alain Bordeleau

Cet atelier vous apprendra à adapter votre gymnase, vos interventions, ainsi que votre enseignement pour qu'ils soient accessibles et compréhensibles pour un élève TSA.

Éducation physique des filles: Mieux les connaître, mieux leur enseigner (workshop in French)

Geneviève Leduc

Un contexte positif de pratique du sport et de l'activité physique permet d'améliorer l'estime de soi et la confiance. L'objectif de l'atelier est de voir comment centrer notre enseignement sur les besoins des filles pour créer plus d'expériences de qualité et prévenir leur désengagement.


arrow.pngInjury Prevention


Exploring Methods of Managing One's Body During Falls

Doug Hillis | University of Saskatchewan; Kelly Thompson | St. Francis Xavier University

This session will focus on using the fundamental movement pattern of landings to dissipate the forces during a fall.  Participants will leave with ideas and resources on how to challenge students falling/landing safely.  These activities will demonstrate that challenging children with a variety of falls will enhance the child's ability to land safely and be able to continue with physical activity, increasing children’s confidence in managing their bodies.


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Implementing a Mental Health Literacy Strategy: Model, Scaffold, Coach

Sherry Stade, Alex Inglis | School District 73 Kamloops-Thompson

How do you build capacity, competency and confidence in PHE teachers to facilitate mental health literacy? Secondary teachers piloted an evidence-based mental health curriculum designed to improve both teachers' and students' mental health literacy. The purpose of this pilot project was to scaffold mental health literacy in PHE teachers to improve understanding of mental health, and support the prevention and management of challenges in students. In this session you will learn about our model, scaffold, coach strategy to improve & maintain good mental health, reduce stigma, and help-seeking efficacy.  

Supporting a Whole School Approach to Mental Health

Ryan Fahey, Tricia Zakaria | PHE Canada

PHE Canada launched Teach Resiliency and the Share2Care mental health activation initiative to support the ever-present need for trusted programs and resources promoting student and teacher mental health. Come and learn about Teach Resiliency, an online portal providing strategies and tools to support the well-being of educators and their students. Attendees will also take away ideas for implementing successful mental health initiatives including featured Share2Care initiatives.



 Movement Composition/Dance


Dance for Reluctant Teachers and Students (grade 4 to post-secondary)

Kellie Baker | Newfoundland and Labrador English School District

Two left feet? Rhythmically challenged? Awesome, let's go! Experienced in dance? We need you too! This session focuses on making dance less intimidating and more accessible for students and teachers. Dance away from this session with 5-6 classes of e-resources including helpful links and modifiable assessment examples.

Multicultural Dance

Rupal Malik | Pembina Trails School Division, Manitoba

During this active session participants will have the opportunity to take part in several multicultural dances from around the world. Dances from Mexico, Argentina, India, Africa and Ukraine will be presented. The dances are simple and easily learned for students in K-6 grades.

Share Your Dance! 

Emily Caruso Parnell | Canada’s National Ballet School (NBS)

In this workshop, you will explore some of the structures and tools presented in the NBS Sharing Dance suite of resources for teachers and recreational program leaders. Learn how to engage students in Creative Movement to expand their physical literacy vocabulary, creativity, and collaborative skills. 



 Outdoor Education 


Building Community Through Outdoor Adventure

Guy Gallibois, Ann Kelly | Eastern Shores School Board

This workshop will demonstrate the use of outdoor adventure as a means of building relationships, increasing a sense of well-being, improving physical fitness levels and connecting to nature. As a school board wide initiative, the presenters organized three regional outings per school year that brought secondary students together students for hiking, snowshoeing, kayaking and biking adventures. The presenters will share their experiences through storytelling, student testimonies and videos, and hands on activities.

Learning from the Land, on the Land and with the Land

Aron Knudsen | Bedford Road Collegiate, Saskatoon Public Schools

Learning outside can be fun, exciting, risky, adventurous, and for some…nerve racking or scary. This hands on session will be outside, as we learn ways to teach any subject or grade out on the land. Participants will be guided through examples of lessons that can be done with children and youth. As well, participants will be provided with resources to take back to their learning spaces so they can lead their classes through learning on the land, with the land and from the land.



 Physical Education/Physical Literacy  - Approaches to Teaching and Learning, Program Planning 


Emphasizing Meaningful Physical Education

Dr. Tim Fletcher | Brock University

Co-presenters: Stephanie Beni, Doug Gleddie, Maura Coulter

This workshop will introduce key ideas of the Meaningful Physical Education Approach. This approach embraces the ways physical education can improve quality of life for young people by finding joy in movement, and resists emphasizing outcomes dedicated primarily to fitness and health. The workshop will describe: (1) a set of features that support meaningfulness, and (2) strategies that support integration of the features of meaningful PE. Participants work in small groups to analyze pedagogical cases of meaningful PE.

Purposeful Physical Education: Designing Effective Physical Education Experiences for your Students

Joey Feith | St. George’s School of Montréal,

Teach with intention and purpose by adopting a backwards design approach! In this session, you will be introduced you to a step-by-step method that will help you ensure that everything you do in your teaching - from planning, to assessment, to instructional activities - is aligned to your outcomes and physical literacy!

Putting the ME in PE...Bottling up Meaningful PE and Authentic Assessment

Alisa McClure, Steven Killeen

We all know and believe that making your PE classes authentic and meaningful for your students can create lifelong learners of health and physical activity.  But how do you bottle it all together?  Living Skills? Social interaction? The Just Right Challenge? Fun? Increased motor competence and Physical Literacy? This workshop will help you and your students create a Spiralling Curriculum Program with Overarching Learning Goals and success criteria to ensure they take control of their learning making it personally relevant and engaging.  You will get ideas on how to create effective lesson plans (PLAY) and efficient assessment practices that connect your students' movement, thinking and emotions.

Planning a Quality PE Program with TGfU in Mind - Net/Wall Games

Sonia Henri, Paul Nishijima | Silver Creek Public School, Peel District School Board

Are you an expert at tennis, volleyball, 4-square, or wallball? Join us! Learn how your expertise can be applied to other activities in the Net/Wall Games category of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) philosophy. Come play with us, and discuss the benefits of planning your PE program with TGfU in mind!

Project Based Learning for Elementary PHE: Can it really be successful?

Lisa Manzini | Garibaldi Highlands Elementary School, Sea to Sky School District #48

Learn how project based learning can be successful in your teaching setting. Participants will look at the Inquiry, "What is a Healthy Lifestyle in Squamish, B.C.".  This project has been adapted for grades 1-2 and grade 5-6. In this session, participants will start developing an inquiry question on their own.

Enseigner la responsabilité par l’activité physique : Introduction au modèle TPSR (workshop in French)

Sylvie Beaudoin

Cet atelier est une introduction au modèle Teaching personal and social responsability (TPSR; Hellison, 2011). Les valeurs qui sous-tendent le modèle, ses objectifs (niveaux), les responsabilités de l’enseignant et quelques stratégies gagnantes seront présentés. Des outils seront proposés pour accompagner les participants qui le désirent dans l’implantation du modèle.

Proposition de mise en oeuvre de la compétence Adopter une mode de vie sain et actif (C3) (workshop in French)

Diane Archambault, Édith Montpetit

Intégrer l'enseignement de la C3 dans les cours d'ÉPS au gymnase n'est pas une mince affaire. Cet atelier vise à  échanger sur les pratiques enseignantes en lien avec la C3, faire un rappel des encadrements  ministériels au regard de cette compétence (Programme, Progression, Cadre d'évaluation), présenter une proposition de planification annuelle de la compétence pour chacun des cycles, du primaire au secondaire et     proposer quelques outils concrets "clé en mains" que l'enseignant pourrait utiliser pour présenter des contenus d'apprentissage (Google Slides).

Une gestion de classe qui favorise l'engagement des élèves en ÉPS (workshop in French)

Diane Archambault, Édith Montpetit

Favoriser l'engagement des élèves au gymnase n'est pas une mince affaire.  Cet atelier vise à  présenter  un modèle de gestion de classe : CLASS (Pianta, Hamre et Mintz, 2012), permettre aux participants de réfléchir sur leurs pratiques enseignantes en lien avec le modèle et s'outiller mutuellement, à  partir d'expériences personnelles, sur les stratégies mises en place par chacun dans leur pratique de gestion de classe pour favoriser un engagement maximal des élèves.

Champions pour la vie programme de littératie physique (workshop in French)

David Arsenault, Joanne Lawson

Le programme Champions pour la vie est un programme novateur et clé en main pour les enseignants en éducation physique qui interviennent auprès des enfants de la maternelle à la deuxième année.  En explorant les mouvements d'habileté de base, les enfants réussissent à développer leurs compétences physiques, se motivent à affronter des défis qui sont appropriés à chacun ce qui contribue au développement de l'estime et la confiance en soi. L'atelier expliquera les éléments-clés du programme: 20 semaines de plans de cours offerts en 4 modules de 5 semaines chacun.


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Games & Activities to Optimize Self-Regulation

Chris Fenlon-MacDonald | Ever Active Schools

Creative games and activities can promote skills that optimize self- regulation. When our students have the opportunity to develop the skills needed for self-regulation they are better suited to make healthy choices that affect them and their school community. Join Ever Active Schools as we explore how HPE classrooms can be the optimal settings to promote these skills through fun, creative and original activities.

Ignisfatuus Session

Dr. Nick Forsberg | University of Regina, PHE Canada

This conference tradition exercises our story-telling abilities, sharing insights into our profession and PHE Canada’s new theory of change. A lot of work has gone into ensuring that PHE Canada’s efforts have maximum benefit to our profession and Canadian children and young people.  This session will provide participants with the time to reflect and chat informally about PHE Canada as it moves towards 2020.

IGNISFATUUS = Infamous Group of No-name Illustrious Sagacious Formerly Active Talented Unauthorized Unbudgeted but Sanguine.

"Play, Trust, Learn" - Introduction to Adventure Education

Matt Sturgeon | Blackville School, Anglophone North School District

Co-presenters: Justin Cortes, Brandon Ryan, Ryan Flynn

Join the "AIM" (Adventures in Miramichi) Team for an activity-filled session introducing Adventure curriculums, including an overview of adventure principles and strategies, and guidance on how to begin to implement these strategies into daily lesson planning and delivery. Activities include non-traditional games, warm-ups, trust exercises, group problem-solving activities and use of low and high Challenge Course elements. All of the activities presented will be applicable for all levels of PE instruction, ranging from kindergarten to secondary activities, all routed in adventure.


PL5 Adventure

Stacey Hannay | Edmonton Public Schools / University of Alberta

Co-presenters: Karla Tritten, Heather Roostsaert, Emily Gauthier, Anne Daniel

This session has been designed to share in what the four largest school districts in Alberta are doing to leverage physical literacy initiatives for sustainability and teacher implementation. Each district and their respective consulting teams have come together to share knowledge and practice in bringing physical literacy to the forefront of teacher pedagogy. Come prepared to learn, think, and be inspired.

Scream, Laugh, and Run

Dr. Sandra Gibbons, Jennifer Gruno | University of Victoria

Have you ever needed an activity in your PE lesson that quickly relaxes and refocuses your students? The purpose of this physically active presentation is to share a range of icebreakers, energizers, introductory problem-solving activities, and fitness games suitable for use in the gymnasium setting. All activities will require minimal equipment, be quick to organize, and last about 3-5 minutes.

Tips and Trick of the Trade from Nova Scotia

Justin Oliver, Amanda Brewer, Steve Ranni, Jen Lloyd-McKenzie | Teachers Association for Physical and Health Education (TAPHE) Executive Members

Join members from TAPHE as they lead a hands on session from some of their best lessons that will give you ideas and resources for Monday in your classes whether you teach physical education, health education, or both!

Using Teaching Games for Understanding to Move, Think, and Learn

Tricia Zakaria, Ben Mumme | PHE Canada

Come move, think and learn with us! NBA Canada and PHE Canada have partnered in the development of two new resources for grades 4-6 and grades 7-9 built off the success of PHE Canada’s Move Think Learn series. Using the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach, attendees will have an opportunity to participate in the activities and be encouraged to make the connection between the TGfU approach and its application to their programming.

Développements prochains en littératie physique (workshop in French)

Pierre Morin | Réseau Accès Participation / Le sport c’est pour la vie / ParticipACTION

Une bonne littératie physique à l’enfance signifie souvent un mode de vie actif chez l’adulte. Alors que plusieurs découvrent et commencent à peine à comprendre et appliquer le concept de littératie physique dans leur pratique professionnelle, plusieurs années de développement et de pratique au Canada font en sorte que le concept prend de l’expansion. Ainsi, les recherches récentes rendent maintenant possible de continuer à développer la littératie physique au-délà de la petite enfance, chez les enfants plus vieux, chez les adolescents, à l’âge adulte et même chez les aînés. L’impact se fera sentir dans plusieurs secteurs d’activités connexes tels les milieux de la santé, du loisir, du sport, de l’éducation, des arts dynamiques, du travail et de la vie quotidienne. L’atelier sera une bonne occasion de redécouvrir le concept original et ses assises et de prendre connaissance des nouveaux éléments qui seront présentés dans sa toute prochaine nouvelle version.

Le Programme d'éducation physique et à  la santé en un clin d'oeil (workshop in French)

Mathieu Roy, Annie Julien, Johanne Vaillant

La présentation fera ressortir les grandes lignes du Programme de formation de l'école québécoise et celles plus particulièrement des programmes disciplinaires d'éducation physique et à la santé.

Turbo math; l'activité physique comme levier aux apprentissages (workshop in French)

Erik Guimond | Enseignant en éducation physique et à la santé, Commission scolaire des Portages-de-l'Outaouais

L'activité physique prescrite par l'enseignant en eps dans un milieu va permettre la réduction des écarts pédagogiques des élèves.  La pause active et la période d'activité physique avant les apprentissages sont les deux moyens utilisés pour la prévention et réduction des écarts pédagogiques.


arrow.png Physical Education/Physical Literacy - High School Focus


Low-Org Games in High School

Julie Pigott | Lindsay Place High School, Lester B. Pearson School Board

In this active workshop, participants will be exposed to several fun and high-paced low-organization games that suit secondary students. Discover how these alternatives to team sports can help level the playing field/ close the gap between different skill levels in your class. Emphasis will be put on game organization as well as the different skills they encourage. Games touched upon will include Speedball (basketball, soccer, handball), Ruggerball (rugby, basketball), Pin Dodge (handball, dodgeball), Tchoukball, Matball, Speed Soccer, Golden Arm (volleyball, baseball).

Change the Game: Developing Physical Literacy Among Adolescents

Guy Le Masurier | Vancouver Island University

Developing physical literacy among adolescents (13-18 yrs) requires a shift in focus towards lifetime physical activity, health, fitness and wellness knowledge, self-management skills, and skills that enable adolescents to develop their own personal health, fitness and wellness plans. Fitness education is a curricular model that supports the needed change in secondary physical and health education programming. This session will use a five-step personal programming model to highlight the essential elements of a quality fitness education program that you can integrate into your program to help students develop physical literacy that supports healthy, active lifestyles.

Enhancing Secondary Physical Education: Fitness education strategies that engage students and elevate your program 

Guy Le Masurier | Author of Fitness for Life Canada

Making secondary physical education more meaningful and relevant for students can be accomplished by delivering fitness education units, fitness education courses, or by integrating aspects of fitness education into your favourite physical education units. Regardless of your strategy, you will provide students with unique, higher-order physical literacy skills that will support them to lead healthy, active lives. In the process, you have the opportunity to develop stronger connections with students, colleagues and community members, as well as enhance assessment in your program. Whether you are looking for little tweaks to your program or larger changes that take your program onto to the leading edge of secondary physical education, this session will provide value for you and the physical education team you are representing at the PHE National Conference. 

Strategic Planning:  The Key to a Successful and Comprehensive High School Physical Education Program

Rehan Ali | Beaconsfield High School, Lester B. Pearson School Board

This workshop will provide an overview of how one high school embarked on a department-wide strategic planning process referred to as Global Planning in order to provide a diverse and comprehensive physical education program for students throughout their high school tenure. The strategies essential in evoking change to our traditional model will be discussed as well as the tools used on a regular basis to coordinate and sustain the program, including: our master gym allocation schedule, course outline, weebly website, Google Drive, Google Classroom and even the use of Whatsapp.

Motiver pour mieux apprendre (workshop in French)

Joël Bouthillette 

Certaines recherches montrent qu'il y a une association positive entre la motivation des élèves à s'engager dans les cours d'éducation physique et à la santé et la pratique d'activités physiques à l'adolescence et à l'âge adulte. L'objectif de cet atelier est de présenter une partie des travaux appuyés par la recherche et ancrés dans la pratique (ex : vidéos, procéduriers, dispositifs de formation, etc...) qui sont présentement menés afin d'exemplifier des stratégies que des enseignants en EPS du secondaire ont expérimentées. Ce projet provincial est issu d'un comité regroupant des représentants universitaires, de la FEEPEQ, de Québec en Forme et du RÉCITDP. Plusieurs conseillers pédagogiques, enseignants et chercheurs universitaires ont participé aux orientations de ce projet fort motivant!


arrow.png Research to Practice


Building Positive Relationships Among Youth: A Restorative Justice Approach to PE and Youth Sports

Dr. Michael Hemphill | University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Restorative justice practices recognize that conflicts are natural and normal in human relationships. When handled effectively, conflicts can be a source for strengthening relationships. This presentation will share findings related to the types of harm that youth experience in PE and sport settings. Sources of harm include peers, adults, and physical activity experiences. Restorative responses to harm will be presented, including circle processes and restorative conferences. This presentation is applicable to anyone who is interested in proactive or reactive strategies to address conflicts in physical education and youth sports settings

Health as a Foundation for School Communities: Research to practice and back again

Kim Hordal-Hwelka, Dr. Doug Gleddie, Dr. Lauren Sulz | Michael Phair Junior High School, University of Alberta

Michael Phair Junior High (MPJH) is nearing the completion of its second year of operation. Health has been foundational from before the doors even opened. As well, strategic collection and implementation of research evidence have been woven into the fabric of the school community. The session will begin with stories and statistics from the start of this journey. Most importantly, participants will be provided with significant opportunities to reflect on and discuss health as a foundation for schools. Finally, we will explore methods for evidence based practice in your own context.

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Canada's Food Guide: An Update from Health Canada / Le Guide alimentaire canadien : Une mise à jour de Santé Canada (bilingual presentation)

Christina Tucker, Clôtilde Fascione  | Health Canada

This session will share the comprehensive review and revision process undertaken by Health Canada to develop the Food Guide. This will include a short overview of the evidence and engagement that led to the new Food Guide as well as a virtual tour of the new resources. Participants will leave the session with an understanding of Canada’s Food Guide.  They will have an opportunity to share ideas and feedback about how Canada’s Food Guide can support their healthy school communities, including their students’ understanding of healthy eating.
Cette session discutera de l’examen compréhensif et du processus de révision entrepris par Santé Canada lors du développement du guide alimentaire. Ceci inclura un bref survol des données probantes et de la mobilisation qui ont menés au nouveau guide alimentaire, ainsi qu’une visite virtuelle des nouvelles ressources. Les participants partiront avec une compréhension du guide alimentaire canadien. Ils auront l’occasion de partager leurs idées et commentaires sur la façon dont le guide alimentaire canadien pourra soutenir les écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé, y compris comment permettre aux élèves d’approfondir leur compréhension d’une alimentation saine. 

DPA the CIRA Way!

Robert Matheson | Upper Canada District School Board, CIRA Ontario

There is a renewed focus on DPA in schools. This workshop will give you some great ideas on how to getting students moving in a meaningful way. Whether you are stuck in a classroom or need to get a large group active DPA the CIRA Way will help you get started.

Healthy Active Communities

Megan Ryan, Colleen Reel | Toronto Catholic District School Board

In this workshop, participants will learn ways to build healthy, active inclusive communities within their school. The implementation of Wellness Teams, Inclusive Daily Physical Activity, Family Fitness Nights, Mental Health initiatives and Healthy Eating will be the focus

Physical Literacy Fitness Snacks for All

Ted Temertzoglou | Thompson Educational Publishing

In this active session, we will explore fun and engaging fitness games that will engage students and staff of all abilities. Various physical literacy enriched challenges and dynamic group games that incorporate numeracy and literacy will be presented. Teachers will come away with strategies to promote well-being and support academic readiness while enhancing the physical literacy journey of students and staff.

The Recess Project and PHE Canada present a National Strategy for Recess

Dr. Lauren McNamara, Tricia Zakaria | The Recess Project, PHE Canada

During the school day, children need opportunities for free play and positive social interaction with peers, and recess provides an important space for this to happen. Yet, research on recess in Canadian schools indicates unacceptably high levels of victimization, isolation, and conflict that undermine healthy play and positive social interactions. This presentation will share a national strategy for addressing long-term, systemic changes to the way schools approach recess. Four important and timely topics will be discussed: 1) current research on recess in Canada and abroad; 2) evidence-based best practices for recess; 3) addressing overall cultural attitudes about play and recess, and 4) legislation and policy development at regional and provincial levels. Participants will take away knowledge of how to implement a quality recess program in their school and how to develop a school recess policy and action plan.  

Éducation olympique canadienne 101 / Canadian Olympic Education 101 (bilingual workshop)

Sandra Sassine | Canadian Olympic Committee/Le Comité olympique canadien

La présentation sera axée sur les outils et les ressources pratiques disponibles dans le cadre du Programme scolaire olympique canadien (PSOC). Les sujets discutés comprendront l’éducation physique, la forme mentale, la diversité et l’inclusion, l’éducation olympique et le Mouvement olympique. La session vise des éducateurs (primaire/secondaire, commissions scolaires et entraîneurs sont le principal public cible).

This workshop will focus on practical tools and resources available through the Canadian Olympic School Program (COSP). Subject areas to be covered include Physical Education, Mental Fitness, Diversity and Inclusion, Olympic Education and the Olympic Movement. The session is aimed at educators (primary / secondary, school boards and coaches).

Incitez vos élèves à être plus actifs DÈS AUJOURD’HUI avec BOKS (préparons la réussite des enfants) / Get your students more active TODAY with BOKS (Build Our Kids' Success) (bilingual workshop)

Kim St-Pierre, Lynn Rizzuto | BOKS Canada

La combinaison du programme d’activité physique BOKS et des Boum BOKS (pauses actives) aide les enfants à effectuer les 60 minutes d’activité physique quotidienne recommandées. Cette séance interactive donnera aux éducateurs, aux administrateurs et aux supporters l’occasion de participer à BOKS. Joignez-vous à nous pour en savoir plus sur notre programme clé en main robuste et gratuit.

BOKS before-school program and Bursts Daily Physical Activity Program combined can push children up to their recommended 60 minutes.  This interactive session will provide educators, administrators and advocates with the opportunity to engage in BOKS.  Join us to learn about our free, turn-key and robust curriculum.


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Sexual Health Education Made Easy

Renee Gregerson | Certified Sexual Health educator, Surrey School District, British Columbia

Come and discover how Sexual Health Education can be fun and interactive!  Learn simple and easy-to-use sexual health lessons and tips.  With the goal of supporting and educating teachers so that teaching sexual health education is a comfortable experience, this workshop will allow participants to practice answering anonymous questions generated by students using a straightforward formula.  Literature resources will be available to view and discuss as well as additional internet resources. 

Using Participatory Methods to Teach Sexual Heath

Ceara McIntyre | Planned Parenthood Ottawa, Ottawa Carleton District School Board

In this hands-on workshop, participants will gain a practical understanding of the Information, Motivation, Behaviour (IMB) model of sex education (featured in Health Canada's Guidelines for Sexual Health Education) and discover participatory activities that can be used to apply the IMB model in their classroom. Each activity is highly adaptable and can be tailored to suit the needs of a variety of learners. Discover how to apply this model of education in your classroom for engaging and transformative sexual health lessons.


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Can You Breakout?!

Kyla Laforest, Barry Hannah | Lester B. Pearson School Board

Breakout EDU kits have made their way into many classrooms across the country thanks to their ability to foster the development of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in our students. You'll need your wits and your running shoes if you want to breakout!  Following the activity, delegates will be given guidance on how to develop these experiences and implement them into their physical education programs. They will also be introduced to the many resources available to them online through Breakout EDU and be provided with a digital copy of 3 breakout activities created by the presenters.

Introducing Quebec to HANTIS

Dr. Nathan Hall | University of Winnipeg

Co-presenters: Chris Adkins, Paul Esteves, David van den Bijgaart

Hantis is a novel activity that requires just a ball and four tables and is an ideal activity for physical education or for after/before school programs. This workshop will introduce participants to the rules of Hantis, as well as lead them through some basic strategies, game progressions, and game variations. Come and discover strategies for introducing students to this activity and discover first-hand how Hantis is a blast to play and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Spikeball (Roundnet)

David van den Bijgaart, Mike Shipley | Riverview Middle School, Devon, Alberta

This will be an active session to introduce the sport of Roundnet (better known by most as Spikeball). Participants will get plenty of opportunity to participate and engage in game play, learn about modifications that can be used at all ages, rules of the game, and will leave with a complete unit plan at the elementary/middle school and high school levels.

Step Up Your Skipping

Rebecca Wilson | Lester B. Pearson School Board

Love skipping and want to learn some new moves? Come join us for an active session where we will take you through a skipping unit designed for grades 3-6 that will get your students excited about skipping!  Discover class-by-class progressions that provide your students with the skills to create their own skipping routines as an end-of-unit evaluation.

The Way I Play -  Developing Positive Physical Activity Behaviors in K-2 Students. 

Jon Stein, Max Mallette, Karine Gomes-Silva | English Montreal School Board

Come and discover this learning and evaluation unit plan for K - 2 students. Through use of partner activities and dueling stations, "The Way I Play" provides students with opportunities to practice and apply the fair play and communication behaviors needed to enjoy physical activity with others. Participants will walk through a shortened version of each class, including the learning objectives and activities for each.  Developed by a team of EMSB elementary PE teachers, participants will be provided with the full unit plan including assessment tools.

Using Innovative Equipment to Learn Striking/Fielding Games

John Byl | Gopher Sport

Using the Teaching Games for Understanding model, come and engage in innovative games that build skills and concepts of Striking/Fielding games. Come prepared to actively participate.

La trottinette en éducation physique, pour vrai (workshop in French)

Patrick Parent | Professeur invité, Département des sciences de l'activité physique, UQÀM;

Profitant de l'intérêt des élèves pour la trottinette, j'ai mis sur pied un projet pour acheter de l'équipement et l'utiliser dans les cours d'EPS. Dans cet atelier, vous expérimenterez une situation d'apprentissage utilisant les trottinettes en gymnase. Des vidéos réalisées avec des élèves aident à l'apprentissage.

Le Fassen-ball: un sport fascinant ! (workshop in French)

Farid Belgaid | Commission scolaire de Montréal

Le Fassen-ball est un sport mixte qui se joue 5 contre 5 tant à  l'intérieur (gymnase) qu'à  l'extérieur  ( cour, terrain gazonné...etc)

Exigeant peu d'habilités techniques pour les débutants, il offre aux jeunes un contexte  d'activité physique à  la fois accessible et amusant.

Le Floorball: une introduction sécuritaire au hockey (workshop in French)

Pier-Alexandre Poulin, Teal Grove | Hockey Canada

Le Floorball ressemble au hockey en salle, mais il utilise des bâtons spéciaux et une balle trouée, ainsi que des règles similaires à celles du soccer, afin de garantir la continuité du jeu et de garder les joueurs toujours en mouvement. Hockey Canada croit que le floorball est la meilleure façon d’introduire les jeunes au hockey dans un gymnase en plus d’être un excellent entraînement hors-glace pour les joueurs de hockey plus expérimentés.

Jeux actifs et coopératifs : Petits produits OMNIKIN (workshop in French)

Paolo Zambito | Kin-Ball Canada

Diverses activités stimulantes avec 6 ballons, 6 couleurs et 6 équipes pendant lesquelles la manipulation et la coordination seront interpellées.

Vous vivrez toute une expérience avec les ballons durables, légers et colorées de 14 à  33 pouces d'Omnikin.

Plusieurs activités excitantes avec 6 ballons, 6 couleurs et 6 équipes afin de stimuler votre coordination et votre motricité. Nouveau jeu de «Poison Ball» et différents jeux de coopération avec des ballons de football, des ballons de basketball, des ballons de volleyball et des ballons de football surdimensionnés. Les produits Omnikin aident les éducateurs physiques à  atteindre les meilleures pratiques pédagogiques"¦ Ainsi, tous les élèves participent activement et apprennent.

Routines et Habiletés de sport KIN-BALL® (workshop in French)

Paolo Zambito | Kin-Ball Canada

Après une petite initiation au sport KIN-BALL®, vous allez maintenant acquérir une compréhension plus approfondie des règles, des techniques et des stratégies utilisées. Au menu: coups de pied, contrôle du ballon par deux personnes, déplacements du ballon et plusieurs autres techniques et stratégies.

Les poïs : Du « Brain Gym » à son meilleur (workshop in French)

Christine Talbot | Club Fy

Le Club Fy vous propose cette discipline des arts du cirque, du Brain gym à  son meilleur et un vrai boost pour l'estime de soi ! Découvrez des mouvements spectaculaires dans cet atelier théorique mais surtout pratique.