PHE Canada is pleased to announce that Sylvie Beaudoin and Lee Schaefer have been appointed to the Board of Directors.
Sylvie Beaudoin is an Associate Professor at Université de Sherbrooke. She holds a doctorate in Education with a specialization in educational intervention in physical activity. Her thesis studied the appropriation of empowering teaching practices in physical education and health at the elementary level. She is currently involved in the Kino Quebec Research Chair on adopting an active lifestyle in school context, in which she is responsible for the Professional Development line of research. A 15-year member of the FEEPEQ, she contributes regularly and in various ways to the promotion of physical education and health. She is appointed as the Quebec Representative and her term begins immediately and ends Fall 2020. “I’m excited to represent Quebec and ensure that our members’ interests help shape the work of PHE Canada,” Sylvie says. “It’s an honour that comes with big responsibilities and I will put in my best to contribute to the team’s efforts.”
Dr. Lee Schaefer is an Assistant Professor at McGill University in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education. His research is focused on teacher education and specifically looks at early career teacher sustainability and socially just physical education teacher education aspects. He also works closely with Indigenous communities in thinking about ways to create a wellness physical activity program that is both culturally responsive and sustainable. He has been involved with PHE Canada since 2005 and held a number of roles, most recently the President of the PHE Canada Research Council. He will bring a wealth of experience in strengthening PHE Canada’s national networks and moving forward high priority populations. “I look forward to continuing to be involved with PHE Canada at the Board level,” Lee says. Lee’s term begins immediately.
“I am excited to welcome Sylvie and Lee to the Board of Directors,” says Lori Munro-Sigfridson, President of PHE Canada. “They will bring solid knowledge, a passion for advancing community engagement, and the desire to envision an exciting future for PHE Canada to meet the growing needs of our healthy school communities.”
For more information about PHE Canada and the Board of Directors, please visit our website: https://phecanada.ca/about/board-directors, or email [email protected].