

PHE Canada Confirms the 2019-2020 Board Members

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PHE Canada is pleased to announce that Douglas Gleddie, Lena Hozaima, Steve Ranni, and Maribeth Rogers Neale have been appointed to the Board of Directors.


Douglas L. Gleddie, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Acting Vice-Dean/Associate Dean Academic in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta (UofA). He teaches physical and health education curriculum and pedagogy to undergraduate students and graduate courses in health and physical education, reflective practice, physical/health literacy and research methods. Doug's research focuses on narratives of physical education, school sport, physical literacy praxis, meaningful physical education, and teacher education.


Maribeth Rogers Neale currently holds the position of health and physical education curriculum leader with the Department of Education Early Learning and Culture. She has 14 years’ experience teaching physical education, health and science and has been fortunate to teach in 4 countries across grades K-12 in the public sector. Maribeth is currently responsible for researching, writing, piloting and implementing curriculum as well as planning and delivering professional learning for Prince Edward Island physical education and health educators.


Steve Ranni is currently a P-8 physical education and health teacher. He has taught for 17 years including P-12 phys ed, PAL, Fitness Leadership, and assisted with a second-year university physical education class within the past 5 years. He holds two Master’s Degrees from St. F.X. in Education Administration and Curriculum with a physical education focus.

Lena Hozaima holds an Advanced Nursing Degree from the University of British Columbia, a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree (with Distinction), and a Master’s of Science Degree from the University of Manitoba, and a Certificate in Qualitative Risk Management from the University of Manitoba.

For more information, please visit:


2019-2020 Board of Directors:

  • Lori Munro-Sigfridson, President
  • Douglas Gleddie, President-Elect
  • Lena Hozaima, British Columbia & Yukon Representative
  • Shannon Kell, Alberta & Northwest Territories Representative
  • Cole Wilson, Saskatchewan Representative
  • Grant McManes, Manitoba & Nunavut Representative
  • Lara Paterson, Ontario Representative
  • Sylvie Beaudoin, Quebec Representative
  • Ross Campbell, New Brunswick Representative
  • Steve Ranni, Nova Scotia Representative
  • Maribeth Rogers Neale, Prince Edward Island Representative
  • Giang Nguyen, Appointed Board Member
  • Antony Card, Appointed Board Member
  • Lee Schaefer, Appointed Board Member


Should you have any questions, please contact the Nominations Committee at [email protected].