
Research Council

The Research Council of PHE Canada stands alongside their statement supporting members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community. The Research Council of PHE Canada also firmly believes in all children and youth's inherent dignity and rights, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. Every individual deserves to grow up in an environment that fosters acceptance, love, and respect.

Inclusive schools are not only a reflection of our commitment to human rights but also a cornerstone of a just and harmonious society. By celebrating diversity, we create spaces where every child and young person can thrive, learn, and develop their unique potential without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

We must actively promote education environments that empower 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth, providing them with the support, resources, and understanding they need to flourish. By doing so, we nurture individual growth and contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate world for everyone.

Together, we stand in solidarity with 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth, affirming their right to live authentically and without fear. Let us champion diverse schools as beacons of hope where every student can find their place, voice, and truest self.

Link to research articles:

Alberta Teachers’ Association (2016). Prism: Toolkit for Safe and Caring Discussions About Sexual and Gender Minorities. https://legacy.teachers.ab.ca/SiteCollectionDocuments/ATA/For%20Members/ProfessionalDevelopment/Diversity-Equity-and-Human-Rights/PD-80-15cPrismToolkitBooklet_Web.pdf

Canadian Pride Historical Society (2023). Education resources. https://cphs.ca/forteachers/education-resources/  

Canadian Healthy Schools Alliance (2021). Canadian Heathy School Standards, Canadian Healthy Schools Alliance. https://www.healthyschoolsalliance.ca/en/resources/canadian-healthy-school-standards

Canadian Teachers’ Federation. (2019). Supporting transgender and transsexual students in K12 schools: A guide for educators. https://publications.ctf-fce.ca/products/supporting-transgender-and-transsexual-students-in-k-12-schools

Davis, M., Gleddie, D.L., Nylen, J., Leidi, R., Toulouse, P., Baker, K., & Gillies, L. (2023). Canadian physical and health education competencies. Physical and Health Education Canada. https://heyzine.com/flip-book/db72c8c23b.html#page/2

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (2023). Social justice. https://www.etfo.ca/socialjusticeunion/2slgbtq/2slgbtq-resources

Konishi, C., Saewyc, E., Homma, Y., & Poon, C. (2013). Population-level evaluation of schoolbased interventions to prevent problem substance use among gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents in Canada. Preventive Medicine, 57(6), 929-933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.06.031

Landi, D., Flory, S.B., Saffron, C., & Marttinen, R. (2022). LGBTQ research in physical education: A rising tide? Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 25(3), 259 - 273. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2020.1741534

Müller, J., &  Böhlke, N. (2021).Physical education from LGBTQ+ students’ perspective: A systematic review of qualitative studies. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 28(6). 601 - 616. https://doi.org/10.1080/17408989.2021.2014434

PHE Canada (2022). Resources for educators. https://phecanada.ca/professional-learning/gender-equity/supporting-gender-and-sexually-diverse

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2014). Questions and answers: Gender identity in schools. Government of Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/infectious-diseases/sexual-health-sexually-transmitted-infections/reports-publications/questions-answers-gender-identity-schools.html

SOGI Education (2019). Resources for all educators. https://www.sogieducation.org/all-educators

Taylor, C., Peter, T., Campbell, C., Meyer, E., Ristock, J., & Short, D. (2015).  The Every Teacher Project on LGBTQ-inclusive education in Canada’s K-12 schools: Final report. Manitoba Teachers’ Society. https://winnspace.uwinnipeg.ca/handle/10680/1264