Read more from Dr. Shannon Kell
[ Feature Article ] This is the third and final article in a series about two teacher education programs, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) in Norway and Mount Royal University (MRU) in Calgary, collaboration in the field of Physical and Outdoor Education in teacher education. Written by three teacher educators, these articles are useful to those in the PHE field(s) in schools and in higher education. They demonstrate how there is much to learn from looking beyond our own borders through international partnerships engagement which can support everyone’s professional development, practice and pedagogy, philosophies of learning and teaching, and friendships.
[ Feature Article ] "Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one [COVID-19] is no different. It is a portal, a gateway, between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice ... and...
[ Feature Article ] In 2004 CAHPERD (Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance) known today as PHE Canada, embarked upon a journey of investing in the lives of undergraduate students in the related fields of Education, Kinesiology, Recreation, Sport Management...
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 85, Issue 4 Disconnect to Reconnect: Taking an Effective Break It is not uncommon to see students and staff scrolling through social media on their devices during breaks between classes and at recess or lunch. If you don’t find yourself in the...
[ Research ] Previously published in Volume 85, Issue 2 Abstract A beneficial practice, outdoor solo reflection time supports sustainable wellbeing for all ages, but it is not well known how to effectively implement solos with young children at various ages. This project focused on how...
[ Research ] Previously published in volume 83, Issue 1 Abstract This study focused on student teachers in a four-year elementary education degree program and their perceptions regarding teaching physical education. Administered as an online anonymous questionnaire prior to a curriculum...