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Read more from Amanda Stanec

4 children walking down a hallway with backpacks on. The child in the centre is turned, looking back and smiling.
10 Ways to Build Inclusive Activity Programs for Newcomers
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 82, Issue 2 As images of the Syrian refugee crisis continue to frequent our news channels, it’s becoming increasingly important to consider how we are supporting immigrant and newcomer children and youth in our schools. While the most pressing...
two children playing lacrosse. They are wearing eye goggles and holding a lacrosse stick. There is an adult and a net in the background.
Intramural Activities - Have We Evolved Enough?
[ Feature Article ] Previously published in Volume 81, Issue 2 Physical education curricula and programs have improved in recent years. Innovative outcome-based curriculum is now replacing more traditional programs. Educators have also made waves in both physical education instruction and...