
2023 PHE National Conference


The session descriptions are subject to change. 

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bilingualFrench or bilingual sessions

* For pre-conference workshops, please visit this page.


 Friday, May 5

Session A: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education

Presenter: Andrea Haefele, Ontario Physical Health Education Association (Ophea) (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary, Before and/or After School Focus
Strand: Adapted PHE | Active Session
Language: English

Inclusion is a process and a goal; it is an ever-lasting search for better ways to respond to diversity. The workshop will support designing physical education programs for students with disabilities and provide a collection of capacity-building tools that enable educators to embed universal design into their practice and to plan their programming to meet students' individualized needs. Participants will investigate inclusive practices through curriculum programming and differentiated instruction in an active session that will share evidence-based strategies, promising practices and ideas for adaptation to meet individual needs of students with disabilities. Participants will also learn about Ophea's Disability-Centred Movement: Supporting Inclusive Physical Education resource.  

The Active Classroom: Application of Fundamental Movement Skills

Presenter: Ross Campbell, NBPES (New Brunswick)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Classroom Session
Language: English

This is an active session that participants can take back to their jurisdictions to share with classroom teachers about embedding fundamental movement skills into classroom instructional time. Participants will learn how to anchor three benefits of physical activity into these activities: brain development, heart health, and social/emotional regulation. 

MasterChef Junior: Food Literacy Skills for Kids

Presenter: Melissa Corrente, Nippissing University (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-6 Focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Active Session
Language: English

Roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty! This food literacy training session was developed by Public Health Dietitians in order to teach the importance of food skills to children and youth. Participants will learn about what food skills are and why it is important to teach food skills to children and youth. Curriculum links to other subject areas are discussed as well how to create a healthy eating environment at school. Age-appropriate skills and how to plan a cooking session will be outlined. A knife skills demonstration features how to chop two tricky vegetables. Participants have the opportunity to prepare and taste two healthy recipes while brainstorming teachable moments throughout. The goal is for everyone to walk away feeling more comfortable and confident teaching food literacy skills to children.

Get Your Students and Yourself Outside - Ideas and Activities to Open up the Great Outdoors

Presenter: Jimmie White, Chignecto Central Regional Centre for Education (Nova Scotia)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Active Session
Language: English

Make the transition from the gymnasium to the field, woods and water that much easier with some helpful hints and guaranteed hit activities. Join 2021 PHE National Award winner Jimmie White for an hour of conversation, movement and laughter centered around developing an outdoor based physical education program. Ditch your notebook if you dare (handout/QR code supplied) and lose yourself in some outside fun as well as an opportunity to share first hand experiences aimed at creating success for staff and students learning outside the school's walls. Participants are encouraged to dress in layers for the weather and to be active. Yes, we will play in the cold and rain if need be so pack a jacket!!

Introduction to Gaelic Football

Presenter: CJ Studer and Heather Harris, Public Schools Branch/PEIGAA (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English

Gaelic football, a fast paced game that combines skills from basketball, rugby, soccer and volleyball, and can be played by students of all ages and skill levels. In this active session, participants will be introduced to the basic skills, strategies, and rules of the game, and will be provided with a variety of practical drills and modified games designed for physical education students in K-12, using equipment that is readily available in schools. Physical Educators will be able to return to their schools with a new activity to try with their students this spring. 

Meaningful PE: Getting Started

Presenter: Tim Fletcher, Brock University (Ontario); co-presented by Doug Gleddie, Stephanie Beni, and Spencer Briggs
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Classroom Session
Language: English

Meaningful movement is offered as part of a renewed vision for physical education - one that is focused on prioritizing the quality and personal significance of the learner's experience and grounded in their local contexts. But how can teachers facilitate meaningful experiences for students with intention and regularity? Meaningful PE uses democratic and reflective principles to inform how teachers can use the idea of meaningful movement as their main filter for pedagogical decision-making. This session is designed for K-12 teachers who are interested in learning about implementing the Meaningful PE approach. Authentic and rich exemplars from teachers will be used to illustrate and demonstrate strong use of Meaningful PE.

Teaching Fundamental and Sport Specific Skills through Educational Gymnastics

Presenter: Kelly Thompson, St Francis Xavier University (Nova Scotia)
Target Audience: Grades K-6 focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English

Research has shown that PE teachers lack both confidence and competence to teach gymnastics, especially when compared to their confidence and competence to teach other movement domains. This is especially true for those who have little-to-no formal training in gymnastics. Given this, it is especially important that PE teachers be afforded meaningful professional development opportunities so that they may become more confident and competent teaching gymnastics. So, this active session will introduce PE teachers to ready-to-use strategies and approaches to teaching fundamental and sport-specific skills through educational gymnastics. Also, at the conclusion of this session, all participants will receive access to a free resource that includes hundreds of educational gymnastics lesson ideas and resources. 

bilingualAdopter une politique d’inclusion pour la jeunesse canadienne 2ELGBTQIA+

Présentateur: Roger Leblanc, l'Université de Moncton (Québec)
Public cible: Maternelle à 3e année, 4e année - 6e année, 7e année - 9e année, 10e année - 12e année, avant et après l’école, administration
Filière: L’éducation physique de qualité | séance en salle de classe
Langue : Français

Les athlètes bispritiuels, lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles, transgenres, queer ou en questionnement, intersexuées ou asexuées et leurs alliés (LGBTQ2+) peuvent être parmi les membres les plus marginalisés au sein des équipes sportives interscolaires. Ces personnes sont particulièrement vulnérables à la stigmatisation, à la violence et à la discrimination en raison de leur diversité sexuelle et de genre. Les effets négatifs de l’homophobie, la biphobie et de la transphobie sont importants de reconnaitre puisqu’ils peuvent avoir d’effets nocifs sur toute la communauté scolaire.  De nombreux athlètes, bénévoles ou adhérents sont obligés de cacher leur identité ou de subir des actes d’intimidation et de harcèlement. Les vestiaires, en particulier, sont des zones vulnérables et présentent un risque élevé de violence et d’intimidation. Ces espaces sont souvent remplis d’un langage et des comportements hétéronormatifs et homophobes. Un guide d’inclusion sera présenté et discuté lors de cet atelier afin de permettre une réflexion sur l’importance d’adopter une politique d’inclusion pour l’ensemble de la population en général, mais surtout pour la jeunesse canadienne 2ELGBTQIA+.

Fostering A Positive, Safe and Brave Culture for Youth in Sport

Presenters: Bryan Heal, Marika Warner, Luciano Lombardi (Ontario)
Target Audience: Post-secondary, administrator focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English

This presentation examines how evidence can inform sport and physical health and education programming to foster positive cultures and inclusive environments for youth through intersectional and data-driven understandings of race, gender, (dis)ability, income, and geography. It also examines the reforms needed within sport and physical health and education to promote engaging and inclusive spaces for youth. Leveraging two years of prior province-wide research with feedback from over 15,000 children, youth and parents, the presentation will identify ways to foster inclusion for girls and young women, racialized youth, children and youth with disabilities, and youth from low-income households through the transference of Sport For Development principles and life skills-based curriculums into a wide range of sport, recreation, and physical health and education settings. MLSE LaunchPad is an innovative and data-driven community-based Sport For Development organization that has reached ~50,000 youth who face barriers to positive development through healthy body, healthy mind, ready for school and ready for work programming since opening its doors in 2017.  

Session B: 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

bilingualCreative and Innovative Ways to Teach, Assess and Report on Fundamental Movement Skills / Des approches créatives et novatrices pour enseigner, évaluer et rendre compte des habiletés motrices fondamentales

Presenters: David Arsenault and Joanne Lawson, Champions for Life Foundation (Québec)
Target Audience: Grades K-3 focus
Strand: Assessment | Active Session
Language: Bilingual

Are you looking for NEW ways to get your students excited about moving? Designed and tested in collaboration with PE teachers for PE teachers, our physical education resources are designed to complement your curriculum with tools and fun activities to help provide quality, physical literacy-based lessons for your students. We also believe that the formative assessment of fundamental movement skills (FMS) is essential to delivering a quality physical education program. We will introduce the Champions for Life FMS Assessment Activities App: an interACTIVE digital tool to help PE teachers teach, track, assess and report on their student's progress. We'll share how you can deliver more meaningful movement experiences in your classroom and support your students to build physical literacy during their critical years of development.


Êtes-vous à la recherche de NOUVELLES façons de stimuler le goût de l’activité physique chez vos élèves? Conçues et éprouvées en collaboration avec des enseignant(e)s d’EP et destinées spécifiquement aux enseignant(e)s d’EP, nos ressources d’éducation physique sont un excellent complément à vos programmes scolaires. Nos outils et nos activités agréables à faire sont axées sur des leçons de littératie physique de la plus haute qualité. Nous croyons fermement que l’évaluation formative des habiletés motrices fondamentales (HMF) est un aspect clé de n’importe quel programme d’éducation physique de qualité. Nous vous montrerons l’application Champions for Life d’activités d’évaluation des HMF. Cet outil interACTIF numérique aide les enseignant(e)s d’EP à enseigner la matière, à suivre et évaluer les progrès des élèves, et à rendre compte des résultats. Nous vous montrerons comment introduire des expériences de mouvement plus authentiques dans vos cours d’éducation physique, et comment aider vos élèves à renforcer leur littératie physique durant cette période critique de leur développement.

Canadian Competencies for Physical and Health Education: A Panel Discussion

Presenters: Ellen Long, Melanie Davis, Dr. Doug Gleddie, Lise Gillies, Reg Leidl
Target Audience: Grades K-12, post-secondary, administrator focus
Strand: Education Leadership | Classroom Session
Language: English

Join us for an overview and discussion about the vision for the Canadian Physical and Health Education Competencies. Ellen Long (PHE Canada) will facilitate a discussion among some of the writers of the document, Melanie Davis (PHE Canada), Dr. Doug Gleddie (University of Alberta), Reg Leidl (PHE Saskatchewan), Lise Gillies (PHE Canada), to review the challenges, expectations, and uses of the ground breaking manuscript. A question and answer period will follow. 

Engaging Student Leadership

Presenters: Kimberly Gilhespy and Chris Wilson, Clemens Mill Public School (Ontario) & CIRA Ontario
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Active Session
Language: English

Students take pride in helping to shape their school community! Leadership activities not only engage and educate youth to maximize their potential as leaders, they also build interpersonal skills, exercise effective communication, and ultimately contribute to successful school citizenship. This active workshop will allow participants to create and develop student leadership groups within the school setting that will help facilitate, plan, and run a wide variety of quality programs within the school.

Rethinking Wellness and Body Image in Youth

Presenters: Cassandra Marie Anastacio and Monica Arnold, Edmonton Catholic Schools (Alberta)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-secondary, Administration Focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English

In this session, we will be exploring and identifying different messages that our teens are exposed to in social media, specifically focusing around diet culture and body image challenges. We will be focusing on how these messages are internalized and how students may view themselves as a result of those messages. During the workshop, presenters will share how the project came to be, how it plays an integral role in school wellness, and the positive impacts it can have on the mental health of your students. In addition, we will introduce the different frameworks and principles that can help to reject diet culture and colonial ways of viewing bodies, discuss how these principles are connected to curricular outcomes, and provide educators with sample lesson plans and assignments that can be implemented in schools. Individuals will be inspired to confidently discuss and bring awareness to mental health topics of body image, eating disorders, and disordered eating within their schools. 

First Nation Games and Wellness

Presenter: Norbert Mercredi, Manitoba First Nations education Resource Centre (Manitoba)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Active Session
Language: English

This presentation will share games played by First Nation Peoples of Turtle Island.  Participants will learn the history, language, and geographical areas of certain games and interact with the games. Participants will engage in physical activities culturally relevant to mino pimatisiwin (way of life \ a good life) and experience the value and importance of living healthy lifestyles.

Teaching Unique and Novel Sports in Phys Ed

Presenter: David van den Bijgaart and Mike Shipley, Blackgold Schools (Alberta)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12 focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English

Pur Instinct, Hantis, Nitro Ball, Tchoukball, Fassenball, and MORE! These are just a few of the new sports we will cover throughout this session. This is an active session where participants will be introduced to some of these new and novel sports from around the world. You will be led through a progression of skills and how we teach these sports to our students - as well as learning ways you can implement them without having to purchase a lot of new equipment. We will also discuss why we choose to teach these new and interesting sports alongside the mainstream and well known North American sports. 

What Drives Quality Physical Education? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Learning and Development Effects From Physical Education-Based Interventions

Presenter: Dean Dudley, Macquarie University (New South Wales, Australia)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Classroom Session
Language: English

This session will provide an overview of a systematic review and met-analysis to determine the effects of learning interventions aimed at optimising the quality of physical education (PE) on psychomotor, cognitive, affective and social learning outcomes in children and adolescents. Research will be shared that highlights how most of the things we do in the classroom have a positive impact on learning and development, with the most important aspect being how much of an impact is felt. The best arguments you can raise with policy makers for the expansion of physical education at your school will also be shared.

First Serve Program for Schools

Presenter: Rachel Gould, Tennis Canada (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 4-6 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English

Tennis is a lifelong sport the whole family can participate in with very little equipment or experience. Yet it is often a sport that is not taught at school. Join us to learn how to incorporate Try, Learn and Play Tennis sessions into your intramural or phys ed programming. This active session will include fun activities to incorporate into your programming to help introduce your students to tennis, as well as access to our free, downloadable Tennis for Schools document that contains easy to follow tennis lesson plans for Kindergarten through to grade 8. Create positive experiences that offer quality, success, inclusion and safety.

Comprehensive Inclusive Sexual Health Education 

Presenter: Renee Gregerson (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12, Post-secondary Focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Active Session
Language: English

Many educators are apprehensive when teaching sexual health education. This workshop will support and guide participants in delivering   developmentally appropriate and engaging content for the sexual health education curriculum. Comprehensive sexual health education is vital to our learners growing into healthy knowledgeable individuals who have the skills and abilities to keep themselves safe. It incorporates the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of sexuality; teaching about our bodies; empowering through knowledge and skills; and supporting a healthy lifestyle. Educators will have an opportunity to discuss and practice an inclusive approach that will support and guide every student.   

Session C: 2:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.

Shifting the Narratives and Experiences of Assessment in PHE

Presenter: Josh Ogilvie, Nanaimo School District (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Assessment | Active Session
Language: English

Assessment in PHE has a checkered past with practices and approaches having served more to sort and rank students than to support and promote success in learning for all students. While many of these practices and approaches to assessment have been left in the past, there remains uncertainty about how assessment can exist in a PHE class to ensure all students are learning at high levels of success. This active session will highlight different assessment approaches and practices that focus on and support student learning, growth, and success in personally meaningful ways. Aligning these aspects with the varying purposes of assessment, this session will help to shift the narratives and experiences of assessment in a PHE class for teachers and students.

Lost & Found - ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity

Presenter: Leigh Vanderloo, ParticipACTION (Ontario)
Target Audience: Administration Focus
Strand: Educational Leadership | Classroom Session
Language: English

The ParticipACTION Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth is the most comprehensive summary and assessment of child and youth physical activity in Canada. This interactive session will start with an overview of education focused indicators, recommendations, and research gaps followed by a discussion on using the report card findings to further educational leadership.

STOMP: Taking a Whole School, Youth-Focused Approach to Prevent Smoking and Vaping in School Communities Across Canada

Presenter: Ryan Fahey and Shivani Solanki, PHE Canada (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12, Administration focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Classroom Session
Language: English

Smoking and Vaping are a real issue in schools. So, what can we do about it? Join school champions, youth voices, PHE Canada and the SIRCLE Lab as we share the Students Together Moving to Prevent Tobacco Use (STOMP) project and how youth are taking action when it comes to addressing smoking and vaping and creating a healthier school environment. In this session we will also share resources you can use to address substance use, tobacco and vaping at your school.

The Interactive for Life Project: Social Emotional Learning in Action

Presenter: Rebecca Lloyd, University of Ottawa (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 , Post-secondary focus, Administrator, Before and/or after school focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Active Session
Language: English

The 5-year, multiphase SSHRC-funded InterActive for Life (IA4L) project is premised on understanding the ways we can develop social emotional learning in and through the language of movement with emphasis on postural, positional, gestural, and energetic awareness in the teaching of games and sports, dance, and fitness pursuits. In this active session, knowledge gathered from interviewing, observing, and creating documentary videos of seven world renowned experts in the partnered disciplines of equestrian, salsa dance, martial arts, and acroyoga will be mobilized into a series of InterActivities which emphasize the many ways relational awareness and motion-sensing responses to others may be enhanced (Nyentap, etr. Al., 2020). Through a combination of experiencing the IA4L resource, as well as watching mini video examples and testimonies of physical education teachers applying the IA4L project to their practice (Lloyd & Smith, 2022b), participants will walk away with practical, research-informed ways to teach relational connection in any physical education program.

An Exploration of Children's Learner Identities while Experiencing Outdoor Learning in the Irish Primary School Context

Presenter: Rachel Rafferty, Dr Maura Coulter, Dr Audrey Bryan, Dublin City University (Ireland)
Target Audience: Grades K-6 focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English

This study explores children's experiences of Outdoor Learning and how this experience contributes to their Learner Identities. This presentation will share the findings and conclusions of this study which suggest that children feel more in control of themselves, have stronger social awareness and overall connection with the outdoor environment while also growing in self-esteem, leadership and motivation to learn.

Rookie Rugby: Non-contact Rugby Programming for Youth

Presenter: Ryan Jones, Rugby Canada (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grades K-6 and Before and/or After School Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English

During this active session, participants will be introduced to Rookie Rugby, a non-contact version of rugby to introduce the game to youth in schools. Endorsed by PHE Canada, Rookie Rugby is a comprehensive tool for teachers that hosts 35 game cards, videos, and 6 - 30 minute lesson plans tied to the first three stages of long-term development. Those who participate in the session can expect an enjoyable environment that will support them in gathering knowledge and understanding about the sport of rugby, become familiar with the free tools that are available to them, and walk away with the confidence to bring non-contact rugby to their classroom and after school programming. 

bilingualMulticultural Dance / La danse multiculturelle

Presenter: Rupal Malik, Pembina Trails School Division, Ecole St. Avila (Manitoba)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: Bilingual Session

This active dance session will take you through a variety of multicultural dances from India, Africa, Argentina, Mexico, Ukraine and several other countries.  The dances presented are easy to learn and can be used with all school age students. 


Cette session de danse active vous initiera à des danses issues d’une variété de cultures et de pays, dont l’Inde, l’Argentine, l’Afrique, le Mexique, l’Ukraine et plusieurs autres pays.  Ces danses sont faciles à apprendre et sont parfaitement adaptées aux élèves de tous niveaux.

Mental Imagery Training and the Positive Impact It Has on Physical Literacy

Presenter: Reginald Leidl, PHE Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary, Before and/or After School, Administration Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Mental imagery training is often an under utilized instructional strategy in physical education and sport coaching. This session reviews the mental imagery process, how it works, and the positive impact it has on the learning and practicing of fundamental movement skills in physical education and sport.  The session also explores the impact this instructional strategy can have on physical literacy throughout an individual's life-course.  

"But I Don't Want To Take Phys. Ed 2.0!!"  Promoting Inclusion for Female, Male, Non-Binary, and Transgender Students

Presenter: Allison Gamble, Thames Valley District School Board (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 10-12 Focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Active Session
Language: English Session

Participants will actively explore and experience activities from the Physical Activity through Rhythmic Movement (PAR) program that promotes inclusion and participation in a non-traditional environment. As we often lose students after grade 9, activities were created for a pathway to remain in PE and develop lifelong connections to heath and wellness. Female, male, non-binary, and transgender students can take a PE class without a focus on traditional sports or competition, but rather focus on the Fundamental Competencies through movement. Participants will experience lesson ideas, culminating tasks with a focus on empathy, mental health strategies for teens, assessment strategies, and a template for how to set up a program for students who feel that regular physical education classes are not right for them.

Indigenous Education: Sharing Circle

Presenter: Lise Gillies, Vancouver Island Health Authority (British Columbia) 
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary, Before and/or After School, Administration Focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Outdoor Session
Language: English Session

This unscripted session begins with learning about the ceremonial practice of Smudging (with an option to participate) and opens space to learn about, and participate in, a sharing circle. Lise Gillies is Cree & Métis (English River First Nation & Métis Nation in Île-à-la-Crosse, Saskatchewan) and will invite you in to learn and grow together. 

Session D: 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Shifting the Narratives and Experiences of Grading and Communicating Student Learning in PHE

Presenter: Josh Ogilvie, Nanaimo School District (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Assessment | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

When it comes to the assessment of student learning in a PHE class, perhaps no other task is more daunting, confusing, or frustrating than grading and communicating student learning. How grades are formed for reporting purposes, and what is communicated in them, can have profound impacts on how students see themselves and how they make meaning of their experiences in their PHE class. 

As an extension of the Shifting the Narratives and Experiences of Assessment in PHE session (Session C), this session will look at how we can determine accurate grades that are aligned with student learning so that what gets considered and what is communicated is reflective of what students were able to achieve with their learning. Also, we will look at ways to authentically engage students in the grade-determination process to help shift the narrative and experiences of grading from happening to students to happening with them. 

The Margaret Eaton School - Lessons Learned from Formative Canadian Women

Presenter: John Byl (Ontario)
Target Audience: Post-secondary, Administration focus
Strand: Educational Leadership | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

PHE Canada was founded in 1933 at the Margaret Eaton School (MES). MES was a two-year normal school in Physical Education for women. It is of interest to remind ourselves of the school's contributions to Physical Education in Canada and around the world, and gain insights from lessons learned from these leading women. A wine and cheese celebration of the Margaret Eaton School Legacy Fund will happen following John's presentation on MES.

Social Emotional Learning Through Low Org Games

Presenter: Chris Wilson and Kimberly Gilhespy, CIRA Ontario (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Active Session
Language: English Session

Looking to provide experiences that help your students to develop their social emotional learning skills while participating in Physical Education? CIRA Ontario's low organized games share how to create and develop social emotional learning skills within the Physical Education program. Participants will learn games that build teamwork by fostering support or others, encouragement and motivation, while utilizing minimal equipment to allow you to implement these activities easily.

Building a foundation for success in sport and in daily lives  

Presenter: Kara Grant, 2004 & 2008 Olympian 
Target Audience: Grades 7-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Two-time Olympian, Kara Grant, will be leading a motivational presentation on her journey through high performance sport. Through her experience, Kara will share some tips and resources on how to support students in achieving a foundation in sport that can help them success in both sport and in their daily lives. 

International School-Related Sedentary Behaviour Recommendations

Presenter: Travis Saunders, University of Prince Edward Island (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Sedentary behaviour is a part of the school day, and screens are being increasingly incorporated into both the classroom and homework, especially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network convened an international expert panel to develop evidence-based recommendations for school-related sedentary behaviours.  This panel included researchers from Canada and abroad, as well as teachers and representation from PHE Canada.  The purpose of this presentation is to outline these new recommendations, and the process that was used in their development.  Implementing these recommendations will support teachers and schools to maximize the benefits and minimize the harms of school-related sedentary behaviours. 

Navigating Your Way to Engaging Outdoor Learning

Presenter: Kaitlyn Mitchell and Katelynn Theal, Ever Active Schools (Alberta)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Active Session
Language: English Session

Getting students outside, active, and engaged can have many positive impacts on their academics and health and wellness but how do we build this into our classes and curriculum? In this session you will take away practical games, activities, and team builders that you can immediately implement outdoors and engage students in meaningful ways. We will also be exploring Ever Active Schools' Outdoor Learning Quickdraw resource which looks at: Physical Literacy, Outdoor Skills, Teamwork, and Environmental Action.

Resistance Training for Youth

Presenter: Rob Dickson, T3 Fitness (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

When planning resistance training for youth, it is very important that everyone start at the appropriate skill level. Some exercises and movement patterns are very easy to master, others take time. In this session, you will learn how to recognize faulty movement patterns and learn how to progress and regress exercises for pushing, pulling, squatting, hinging, lunging, and carrying. You will leave with exercises, workouts, and circuits that can be implemented with minimal equipment in most fitness spaces.  

bilingualInstant Activity / Activités prêtes à l’emploi

Presenter: Stephanie Lapierre of Heather Vanden Boomen, TVDSB (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-9 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: Bilingual Session

So much time is wasted in transition of the classroom to the gym. Students are full of energy and ready to play. Using instant activities allows students to jump right in the gym and play. No more running three laps around the gym and sit down. This session will be hands on and participants will come out with 10 instant activities that they can use when they return to the gym. 


Tant de temps est gaspillé dans la transition entre la classe et le gymnase. Les élèves arrivent débordant d’énergie et prêts à jouer. Les activités prêtes à l’emploi permettent aux élèves de commencer à jouer dès qu’ils foulent le parquet. Plus aucun besoin de les faire s’échauffer en faisant trois fois le tour du gymnase en courant pour ensuite s’asseoir et écouter l’enseignant. Cette session active et pratique fournira aux participants 10 activités prêtes à l’emploi qu’ils peuvent utiliser dans le gymnase avec leurs propres élèves.

Try Dodgebee: a Fast-Paced and Exciting Interactive Game

Presenter: Alex Chan, Chris Meuse, ABC SPORTSHOUSE (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Dodgebee is a soft, washable flying disc made with a nylon covered soft foam that is firm enough to hold its shape but still soft enough to throw and catch easily and safely. Dodgebee is an exciting, fast-paced interactive game that promotes healthy exercise, team sportsmanship, and safe play. Especially suited for developing the young arms, the 65g Dodgebee teaches kids the basics of throwing a flying disc, while gently developing throwing muscles. A great introduction to the flying disc sports, especially disc golf.

Engaging Priority Populations in Planning and Implementing Inclusive School Programming 

Presenter: Tricia Zakaria, Kelsey Fahie, PHE Canada (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grade 4-12, Before and/or after school, Administration focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Who knows students better than the students themselves? Join PHE Canada as we share how teachers can use a student-centered approach to engage youth in the design and implementation of inclusive, school-based programming. We will share the steps, strategies, and learnings of implementing this approach with students from a variety of priority and intersectional populations. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in practical planning activities that can be taken back and utilized with their school population.

Saturday, May 6

Session E: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Adapting Games for Students with Special Needs

Presenter: Alyssa Wilson, Summit School (Québec)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 focus
Strand: Adapted PHE | Active Session
Language: English Session

This active session will focus on simple modifications that can be made to games and sports in physical education to create an inclusive environment for students with special needs. Sometimes a simple adaptation, such as the type of ball being used or adding mandatory passes, can modify a game so that all students may play and be successful. Many other examples of adaptations which are simple and effective for the class, and do not single out students, will be demonstrated and practiced and attendees will leave with a QR code to link them to many adapted games. 

bilingualTrucs et astuces pour utiliser l'auto-évaluation et favoriser l'autonomie en éducation physique

Présentatrice : Josée Janveau Lavergne et Janveau Lavergne, Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE) (Ontario)
Public cible : 4e année - 6e année
Filière : L’EPS adaptée | Séance active
Langue : Français

Cet atelier abordera des prinicpes de gestion qui visent à  utiliser différentes stratégies d'auto-évaluation afin de favoriser l'autonomie des élèves. Des trucs et des astuces seront présentés afin de responsabiliser les élèves davantage face à  leur apprentissage en matière d'éducation physique.  Plusieurs stratégies seront utilisées en contexte actif dans un gymnase afin de démontrer ce que vivent les élèves dans le contexte de leur responsabilisation face à  l'apprentissage de leurs habiletés en matière d'activité phsyique.

Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and a Way Forward

Presenter: Astrid Kendrick, University of Calgary (Alberta)
Target Audience: Administration Focus
Strand: Educational Leadership | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

This interactive session will discuss the literature and findings connected to a recently completed, two-year study on compassion fatigue, emotional labour, and educator burnout. Understanding the connection between educators' mental and emotional well-being and the occupational hazards of providing emotional labour will assist health and well-being leaders with developing a positive and more resilient school culture. Dr. Kendrick will focus on how health and wellness leaders can use resources developed from this study, known as HEARTcare planning, to proactively address their own emotional well-being and can use these resources to build collective well-being and collective compassion as a key part of their school culture.

Teamwork Builds Community

Presenter: Chris Wilson and Kimberly Gilhespy, CIRA Ontario (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12, Post-secondary focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Active Session
Language: English Session

Teamwork builds community and a sense of belonging for all. This active workshop focuses on teamwork skills in an effort to build community within a group, school, or organization. By participating in activities that foster skills such as cooperation, communication, problem solving, and other skills required to complete group tasks collaboratively, participants will develop an increased appreciation and understanding of team building and group cohesiveness.

Healthy Relationships: Supporting Student Well-Being

Presenter: Renee Gregerson (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12, Post-secondary focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

When educating students on what a healthy relationship is there are important questions to answer. For example, what does consent look like? sound like? and feel like? Knowing what our boundaries are, and how to effectively communicate our needs, likes, and dislikes are all a part of growing into a healthy adult.  In this workshop participants will have an opportunity to engage and learn approaches to supporting our students' knowledge and skills in building and maintaining healthy relationships. Resources will be shared that support and connect with the physical and health education curriculum. 

Enhancing Student Psychological Well-Being in High School Outdoor Ed

Presenter: Will Milner, Fredericton High School (Anglophone School District - West) (New Brunswick)
Target Audience: Grades 10-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

The research that informs this session sought to clarify the types of pedagogical practices that are employed by educators in New Brunswick to enhance the psychological wellbeing of students enrolled in secondary Outdoor Education (OE) courses. Using an Appreciative Inquiry design and methods, purposefully sampled OE instructors engaged in online individual interviews and focus group discussions to share and reflect upon their professional experiences linking OE with student well-being. Results included the identification of three key influences in OE (the curriculum, the instructor, and the students) linked with the promotion of student well-being. Emergent themes also demonstrated strong alignment with Deci & Ryan's (2008) Self-Determination Theory (SDT) in that instructors intentionally sequence their OE pedagogy to address students' psychological need for relatedness, competenc,y and autonomy. Through the focus group discussions, an ideal OE structure was explored as well as methods for moving the present OE realities closer to this ideal. It is hoped that this study will serve to further the current dialogue related to the importance of OE and how to maximize its potential for enhancing student well-being in high school outdoor education and beyond.

Physical Literacy: Through Manipulative Sending, Receiving, and Retaining, as well Locomotor Activities

Presenter: John Byl, Gopher Sport (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-9 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Hosted by Gopher Sport, come prepared to engage in Physical Literacy activities focusing on  Manipulative Sending, Receiving, and Retaining, as well Locomotor activities. The equipment used in the session will even be given away to some lucky participants! 

The True Sport Experience: A True Sport Resource for Educators 

Presenter: Sarah Bennett, Melissa Sullivan (she/they), Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-3 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

The True Sport Experience -- Volume 1: FUNdamentals is a PHE Canada-endorsed resource for educators of children aged 6 to 9 consisting of a series of physical activities that facilitate learning the True Sport Principles. Whether you are a teacher, coach or recreational leader, The True Sport Experience offers a balanced and intentional approach to physical activity by focusing on the development of both ethical literacy and physical literacy. The activities can be applied in and out of the classroom, as well as in the community and align with current Canadian physical education curriculum. Educators will walk away from this session with a tangible, ready-to-use resource. The active session will showcase the resource, highlight activities, and provide evidence for the many benefits of bringing True Sport to life. 

Fostering Anti-Racist Attitudes in Youth Sport Spaces: Findings from Winnipeg's Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign

Presenter: Sarah Teetzel, Craig C. Brown, University of Manitoba, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management (Manitoba)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12, Post-secondary, Administration Focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

In the summer of 2021, the research team of the Winnipeg Anti-Racism in Sport Campaign conducted 12 focus groups with 39 coaches, administrators, teachers, parents, volunteers, and athletes to gain insight into participants' lived experiences of racism in sport. This presentation focuses on the voices of the youth participants (ages 14-16) who took part in this study, to identify what youth who experience racism in sport and physical education want to see their adult coaches, teachers, administrators, and officials do in response to racism that occurs on the field. In confirming that racism is prevalent in sport at all levels, across all sport settings, results of this study suggest that sport organizers need to be better prepared to respond to instances of racism in sport and to develop anti-racist initiatives within their sport spaces. This session focuses on the concrete ideas suggested by participants, which they wished the adults in their lives -- coaches, teachers, parents, and officials -- would implement to address the racial aggressions that continue in sport today.

Session F: 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Diabetes in the Gymnasium

Presenter: Jonny Martin (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades K-9 focus
Strand: Adpated PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Using some very dry comedy, this session is intended to help other physical educators feel very comfortable helping students with Type 1 Diabetes be comfortable in the gym, and to feel more comfortable supporting these students themselves. The gymnasium is the one room in the school where blood sugars can drop very, very quickly. This session will give a very hands on description of what high/low blood sugars are, activities that may drop sugars, and give simple instructions on how to treat low blood sugars before sending a vulnerable student back into a game setting while in the gymnasium. 

Champions for Health Promoting Schools: The Values of International Experiential Education Experiences on the Undergraduate Student 

Presenter: Jo Sheppard and Julia Nord-Leth, University of the Fraser Valley (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Post-Secondary Focus
Strand: Educational Leadership  | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

An increasing trend within the college and university environment is experiential education which enhances the student experience by embedding theoretical knowledge into practical and reflective experiences. Moreover, as stated by the Association for Experiential Education (2019), "educators purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their communities." Over a 15-year timespan, the Antigua, West Indies Champions for Health Promoting Schools program is one such experience. Through international collaboration between the University of Fraser Valley and the Antigua Ministry of Education, this program has enabled over 280 undergraduate students to actively engage in solving problems, assuming responsibility for others and themselves, being creative in planning of physical and health education instruction and constructing personal and professional meaning within a facilitated learning process. Utilizing the Antiguan physical and health education classroom as the catalyst for life skills teaching, undergraduate students plan, prepare, and push their practice alongside their Antiguan teaching mentors within the K-6 school learning environments. Join Dr. Jo Sheppard as she shares her sabbatical qualitative work as well as years of experiences with student learning and collaboration within an international setting.

Frontier Games: 50 Years of Tradition in FSD

Presenters: Brian McMillan and Heather Lowe, Frontier School Division (Manitoba)
Target Audience: Grades 4-9 Focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

The Frontier Games has existed for almost 50 years. Currently in it's 49th year, this cultural and athletic event brings together close to 1600 students over a series of 10 Regional Championships. Created in 1974, these games bring together the schools in the Frontier School Division to experience local culture through a mix of modern sport and traditional activities. The event takes place over the three days and provides students with leadership roles such as referring, minor officiating, planning, and organizing. In this session, you will hear our experiences and learn how you can implement a similar event in your region. 

Mindfulness, Literature, & Yoga: The Art of Yoga in Your Classroom

Presenter: Leanne Whiting (Nova Scotia)
Target Audience: Grades K-6, Administration focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Active Session
Language: English Session

The combination of storytelling and yoga is a unique and powerful way to help children build self-awareness and relate to and understand others in their world. This session will review literature related to yoga in schools, highlighting the current research for yoga in the classroom and have you participate in a dynamic and engaging story and yoga class. You will be introduced to Breathe.Read.Yoga., an online classroom resource featuring a diverse library of classes that combine breathing practices, stories, and yoga postures for you to seamlessly integrate into your themes and daily lessons. You will leave this workshop with a greater understanding of the mental, physical, and social and emotional benefits of yoga and storytelling as well as a clear understanding of how to integrate these practices to create a calm classroom and peaceful presence for you and your students.

Including Alternative Environment Activities (AEAs) in PE Without Breaking the Bank

Presenter: Nathan Hall and Brent Bradford, Brock University (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-9 focus
Strand: Quality Outdoor Learning Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Alternative Environment Activities (AEAs) have been defined as any physical activities that take place outside of traditional gymnasium, playing field, and track settings. Some examples include paddling, swimming, skating, and all nature based physical activities.  Provincial PE curricula all across Canada encourage, support, and often require that AEAs are taught as part of a yearly PE program. However, research has demonstrated that many Canadian PE teachers struggle to include such activities and have cited perceived cost of AEAs to be the biggest barrier when it comes to embracing and including AEAs regularly in their PE programs. This session will provide an overview of the value of AEAs in PE and strategies to reduce costs related to including AEAs in PE programs. Low cost AEAs will be introduced like hiking, disc golf, bird watching, and snow bocce.

bilingualFassen-Ball : A New OMNIKIN Sport for Everyone / Fassen-Ball: Un nouveau sport OMNIKIN pour toutes et pour tous

Presenters: Dominic Courchesne and Paolo Zambito, Kin-Ball Canada (Québec)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: Bilingual Session

Experience Fassen-Ball, a new type of team sport that is developed and promoted in partnership with Omnikin. Fassen-Ball will allow practitioners to express their sports skills in a fun context where effort and creativity go hand in hand. Fassen-ball is accessible, easy to learn and requires teamwork to succeed because of the oversized ball. Learn the basics of this simple sport and start playing! With Omnikin and Fassen-Ball, there is no physical contact, no intimidation, no interference and no one is left out.


Faites l’expérience de Fassen-Ball, un nouveau type de sport d’équipe développé et promu en association avec Omnikin. Fassen-Ball invite les participants à mettre en pratique leurs habiletés en sport dans un contexte agréable et amusant qui marie l’effort et la créativité. Fassen-ball est un sport accessible et facile à maîtriser qui met l’accent sur la coopération et le travail d’équipe pour faire déplacer le ballon surdimensionné. Apprenez les éléments de base de ce sport très simple et commencez à jouer! Avec Omnikin et Fassen-Ball, il n’y a aucun contact physique, aucune intimidation, aucune obstruction, et aucun risque de laisser de côté qui que ce soit.

Move Think Learn - Using A Games Centered Approach for Developing FMS Skills in Elementary Schools

Presenters: Ryan Fahey and Josh Read, PHE Canada (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-3 focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Come join PHE Canada in this active session as we explore new ways to develop FMS skills using a games-centered approach. Developed in partnership with the CFL, this resource features 8 FMS and includes skill progressions, games, and other support resources. Move, Think, Learn and Play your way to new ideas and games for your PE programming. 

New Entry-Level YOU.FO Equipment: YOU.FO FUN

Presenter: Giel Bos, YOU.FO BV (Gemert, Netherlands)
Target Audience: Grades 4-12, Post-Secondary, Before and/or After School Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

YOU.FO is an award-winning and versatile sports and leisure game, based on throwing and catching an aerodynamic ring with specially designed sticks. It can be played as a competition game or freestyle, in teams or one- on-one, at the beach, in a park, on city squares, and even indoors in a gymnasium. Developed in the Netherlands, YOU.FO is a non-contact game that is easy to learn, fun to play, and includes mixed gender participation. This active session will teach you the skills and strategies of YOU.FO.

Weaving Trust and Relationships into KidsAction with Indigenous Children and Families

Presenters: Tara Nault and Stephanie Glegg (British Columbia)
Target Audience: Grade K-6, Before and/or after school focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Indigenous children in Canada have limited opportunities for culturally safe physical activity programming relative to their non-Indigenous peers. This discrepancy relates directly to the country's colonial history, which continues to cause harm to Indigenous Peoples today. Our KidsAction project is framed around the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action, to help address these inequities and to optimize health outcomes for Indigenous children with diverse abilities, their families, and communities. KidsAction Coaching is an evidence-informed approach designed to support individualized, goal-directed coaching for children with neurodevelopmental and/or intellectual disabilities within community-based physical activity programs in urban, rural/remote and Indigenous communities. Through a four-year partnership with the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation Council (I-SPARC) in B.C., our team has engaged in ongoing cultural humility training, and in relationship building with Indigenous organizations around shared goals. Our aim is to provide insight into these partnerships and to communicate how we used intentionality in this work in striving to ensure that no harm comes to Indigenous communities partnering in this program, and that their goals and needs are prioritized.

Session G: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Presenters: Farida Gabbani and Dr. Nick Forsberg (Saskachewen)
Target Audience: Open Invitation
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

*IGNISFATUUS – Infamous Group of No-Name Illustrious Sagacious Formerly Active Talented Unauthorized Unbudgeted but Sanguine. 

This conference tradition exercises our story-telling abilities, sharing insights into our profession from individuals who have long journeyed the path of teaching, researching and advocating for and within the field of Physical and Health Education. Their stories share insights into the history of CAHPERD / PHE Canada, its storied life and the field of Physical and Health Education. An atmosphere will be created for connecting young aspiring leaders, professionals from within the field and individuals who have been in the field for a long time, to listen, share thoughts, feelings and experiences. These conversations help us to learn from past experience, understand where we are today, and to share ideas that can support not only the field of Physical and Health Education but also PHE Canada now and in the future. Come join us! 

bilingualA Blueprint for Action: A Tool for School Communities to Prevent Substance-Related Harms /  Un plan d’action définitif : une ressource pour aider les communautés scolaires à prévenir les méfaits liés à la consommation de substances

Presenters: Rosamund Dunkley, Public Health Agency of Canada (Ontario), Florence Bergeron, Students Commission of Canada (ON)
Target Audience: Grades 7-12, Before and/or After School, Administration Focus
Strand: Healthy Schools | Classroom Session
Language: Bilingual Session

This session explores a Public Health Agency of Canada resource, the "Blueprint for Action: Preventing substance-related harms among youth through a Comprehensive School Health Approach". As school communities cope with the wider impacts of the pandemic, this tool is a helpful starting point for conversations about substance use and how substance-related harms can be addressed both inside and outside the classroom. The Blueprint model brings together the Comprehensive School Health framework, a well-established approach to building healthy school communities, and four evidence-based approaches to preventing substance-related harms: upstream prevention, harm reduction, stigma reduction, and equity-oriented approaches.


Cette séance se penche sur une ressource de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada, le « Plan d'action : Prévenir les méfaits liés à la consommation de substances chez les jeunes par une approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire ». Alors que les communautés scolaires s’affrontent aux répercussions plus durables de la pandémie, cet outil est un excellent point de départ pour déclencher des conversations sur la consommation de substances, notamment les moyens d’aborder, dans le contexte scolaire et au-delà, la question des méfaits liés à la consommation de substances. Le Plan d’action s’appuie sur l’approche globale de la santé en milieu scolaire, un cadre bien ancré pour développer des communautés scolaires saines, et déploie quatre approches fondées sur les faits pour prévenir les méfaits liés à la consommation de substances : la prévention en amont, la réduction des méfaits, la réduction de la stigmatisation et les approches orientées vers l'équité.

GuysWork Atlantic Canada

Presenters: Derek Smith and Chris Gilham, GuysWork (Nova Scotia)
Target Audience: Grades 4-9 focus
Strand: Quality Health and Well-being Experiences | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

GuysWork is an innovative and evidence-based health promotion program designed to disrupt  unhealthy presentations of masculinity that impact the health of young men and their peers -- particularly young women. GuysWork was developed in Nova Scotia in 2012 by the departments of Health and Wellness and Education and Early Childhood Development to help remove the stigma around help-seeking that was preventing school-age guys from accessing the province's Youth Health Centres.These pro-social spaces were quickly recognized as a place wherein young men could have important conversations connected to partner-based violence. Beginning in 2022 GuysWork is implementing a three-year pilot project bringing GuysWork to the other Atlantic Canada provinces and evaluating its impact over multiple ages and stages of guys' lives. The pilot endeavors to inform a national strategy to engage young men in efforts to reduce partner-based violence and promote gender equality, while also increasing help seeking behaviours among youth participants.

Rockstar Teaching: Unleash the Power of Clarity and Confidence in Your Instruction

Presenter: Joey Feith, (Québec)
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Since 2010, I've had the honour of working with physical education teachers from around the globe. In almost every group I have worked with, I've met teachers who felt unsure about aligning their teaching, assessment, activities, and grades to their local curriculum outcomes. Although many manage to hide this via flashy and exciting games, that lingering feeling remains: "I don't really know what I'm supposed to be teaching". Join me as we explore various teaching tactics that will help you infuse your lessons with intention and purpose.  In this active session, you will be guided through an outcomes-based lesson designed to help you experience the thrill of teaching from a place of confidence and clarity. Together, we will explore how to establish clear targets for learning, engage students in ongoing formative assessment, introduce various discussion protocols, and design games aligned to outcomes. You will leave this session with various evidence-based, teacher-tested tools added to your pedagogical toolbelt that will empower you to approach your teaching with rockstar confidence!

Critical Issues in Physical Education in Canada: A Walk and Talk Around Charlottetown

Presenter: Justin Oliver, Tri County Regional Centre for Education (Nova Scotia)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-secondary, Administration Focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Join Justin as we walk around Charlottetown and talk about critical issues in Physical Education across Canada. This session is designed to address hot topics in our field while sharing and brainstorming solutions with each other in a small group as we walk around the city. Topics up for discussion include but are not limited to teacher burnout, limited standards, limited human resources, lack of professional development, and student challenges. This session will leave you with strategies to consider for your own unique situation.

Coming Full Circle

Presenters: Michelle Kilborn, University of Calgary (Alberta) (Virtually: Tessa Allison, Shael Bourne, Merissa Dawson, Braeden Kelly, Zack Marcil, Maddi Mondin, Josh Stryde, Kate Vogan)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-secondary focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

The call for physical education reform is not new but we continue to see programs that focus heavily on a sport-technique approach. In a post-pandemic world, perhaps now more than ever, it is important to (re)examine how we approach physical education teaching and learning in a way that helps students feel more connected to the curriculum and provides more meaning and relevance to students' lives. Post-secondary students from the University of Calgary were keen to reimagine physical education from a more holistic, wellness-oriented lens and began to explore how and what could be done to disrupt the dominant sport discourse in physical education. This presentation will highlight the journey of a physical education pre-service teacher cohort from the University of Calgary that led to changing their way of thinking about teaching physical education.  Session participants will learn about teaching physical education in a more holistic way and hear stories from the pre-service teachers about being inspired by Indigenous history, values, and ways of being.

Rookie Riders: Bringing Equestrian Activity to a School Near You

Presenters: Ruth Allum, Hilary Gregory, and Douglas Duncan, Equestrian Canada (Ontario)
Target Audience: Grades K-6 focus
Strand: Quality Physical Education | Active Session
Language: English Session

Developed by Ontario Equestrian in partnership with Equestrian Canada, Rookie Riders is a program to introduce children (ages 5 - 11) to the joy of equestrian sport using physical literacy-enriched activities and games, participant handouts and a barrel horse. Delivered in various environments, Rookie Riders provides participants an opportunity to learn about horses and develop the skills necessary to safely mount and dismount a horse without ever stepping foot into a barn. The program serves as a stepping stone to more advanced levels of Rookie Riders and more formal 'Learn to' ride programs at local facilities. In this interactive session, participants will be introduced to the program, learn about its development, and be led through a session to see how the program can be used in various environments.

Physical Education and Its Complex Puzzle of Diversity

Presenters: Sarah Adams, Dr Alison Murray (virtually), Public School Board PEI (Prince Edward Island)
Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-secondary Focus
Strand: Social Justice in PHE | Classroom Session
Language: English Session

Diversity is complex. We are made up of internal and external dimensions that shape who we are as individuals. This intersectionality creates an interesting puzzle which can have an impact on learning.  The puzzle pieces are not uniform, some segments are larger and more prominent than others indicating the significant role they may play in one's life. This session seeks to provide a means for invested educational stakeholders to integrate reflective and reflexive opportunities for pupils within their teaching. It fuses ways of thinking using ethical reasoning through a meta-awareness of diversity. It opens contemplation and conversation around the interconnections of the individual with and through a collective community identity. By adopting a culturally consciousness approach to teaching and learning, we will develop a deeper awareness of individuality in order to develop a high quality, accessible PE program.

Simple Dances for ALL: A Special 80s and 90s Edition

Presenter: Tracy Lockwood
Target Audience: Grades K-12 Focus
Strand: Dance | Active Session
Language: English Session

Get your hairspray, rocker gear, neon spandex and boombox ready - we're going Old Skool with this dance party! This session will show you how simple and easy teaching dance can be, featuring simple moves purposefully designed to develop jumping, twisting, leaping, hopping, cross-lateral coordination, and other fundamental movement skills, in support of your K-12 Physical Education curriculum. Forget 5-6-7-8 or left foot/right foot choreography - there are only 3 rules in this class: Be Positive. Be Fun. Be Yourself.