
2019 PHE Canada Research Forum

2019 PHE Canada Research Forum Keynote Address


Dr. Paul Wright

Northern Illinois University

Dr. Paul Wright earned his master’s and doctoral degrees under the supervision and mentorship of Don Hellison at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Wright is currently a Presidential Engagement Professor at Northern Illinois University as well as the EC Lane and MN Zimmerman Endowed Professor of Pedagogy in the Department of Kinesiology and Physical Education. He is internationally recognized as an expert on the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) instructional model.

His scholarship is very applied and relates to the fields such as positive youth development, social and emotional learning, and sport for development. Across a variety of settings, he is interested in best practices for teaching transferable personal and social skills to children and youth as well as helping teachers and coaches to integrate those practices into their work. His research also addresses policy and program evaluation as it relates to youth sport and physical activity. The impact and quality of his work has resulted in a Fulbright Research Award, an Erasmus Mundus European Union Visiting Scholar Award, a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Illinois, a SHAPE America Mentor of the Year Award, and an Honorary Professorship at the University of Edinburgh.

His work has been funded by organizations including the U.S. Department of State, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. Due to his reputation, he has been invited to advise on projects for UNESCO, the Laureus Foundation, the British Council, Active Schools U.S., and others.

Currently, he is involved in international projects and collaborations in countries including Belize, Canada, Finland, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, and Sri Lanka.