Substance use in the workplace
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
This fact sheet covers issues such as how substance abuse problems may affect the workplace, possible costs to a business, and how a business can address such issues.
OSH Answers series
Presented in an easy-to-read question-and-answer format, OHS Answers covers an extensive range of topic areas in workplace health and safety including addictions and substance use. Topics are based on questions received from workers, their families, health and safety committee members, employers, other professionals and the general public.
Why we’re recommending this resource:
- Accuracy of information: well-researched, appropriately cited, and well written / organized
- Authority: author is identifiable and has related qualifications and/or credentials / affiliated with a reputable institution
- Objectivity: minimal to no biases or affiliations with a company selling products of promoting a questionable agenda.
- Currency: information that is recent or has been recently endorsed
- Canadian resource