results for


  • addiction
  • anxiety
  • supportive learning
  • wellness
  • burnout
  • depression
  • eating disorder
  • emotional intelligence
  • mindfulness
  • stigma reduction
  • resiliency
  • stress
  • suicide
  • trauma


  • Supporting / working with students
  • Self-care for teachers
  • Management / administration
  • Student materials


  • K
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • Not applicable


  • mobile app
  • podcast
  • book
  • document
  • tip sheet
  • infographic
  • promising practice
  • presentation
  • program
  • research summary
  • website
  • video
  • webinar
Results found :



Share2Care is a mental health activation initiative gathering promising practices from across the country to share and inspire others to take action in their class and/or school community. As part of the PHE Canada Teach Resiliency program, Share2Care aims to recognize and share unique, innovative, and promising school mental health programs and initiatives that are making positive impacts on students, school staff, and the entire school community.

2020 marked the 3rd consecutive year of the Share2Care campaign, and saw school champions from across the country share 199 mental health initiatives supporting teacher and/or student mental health.

After careful and thoughtful consideration and review, seven schools were selected as the 2020 Share2Care recipients. They are the following: 


As a result of the Share2Care campaign, each of the above recognized schools received $2,000 to continue advancing their promising practices to further support the mental health of teachers and students in their school community. The promising practices of these seven schools are featured on with many of the other great initiatives from this campaign as well.

While we are not able to support eaach and every program, everyone deserves to be recognized. For a list of all schools that participated in the campaign, please visit here.