The teachers guide to student mental health
William Dikel, MD, an American child and adolescent psychiatrist who assists school districts writes about basics of psychiatric diagnoses and educational eligibilities, tips about behavioural modification techniques and coping strategies for students and families. He discusses the clinical-behavioural spectrum and the difference between willful and volitional behaviour and clinical, illness-related symptomology. Eight chapters review the major mental health issues a teacher is likely to encounter and reviews how educators and schools can meet these challenges. Importantly, he does not neglect writing about the needs of the teacher. The high stress of working with students with mental health challenges can be exacerbated when their own mental health needs are unrecognized.
Why we’re recommending this resource:
- Accuracy of information: well-researched, appropriately cited, and well written / organized
- Authority: author is identifiable and has related qualifications and/or credentials / affiliated with a reputable institution
- Objectivity: minimal to no biases or affiliations with a company selling products of promoting a questionable agenda
- Currency: information that is recent or has been recently endorsed