Kids help phone
Kid's Help Phone is Canada's only 24/7 national service offering bilingual (English and French) professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for young people. Services are available by phone, mobile app and through the website.
The phone service is available 24/7 to young people in Canada, and chat counselling allows youth to connect one-to-one, in real-time, with a Kids Help Phone counsellor.
Community resources are provided and there is a free, confidential helpline (Good2talk) providing professional counselling.
Why we're recommending this resource
- Accuracy of information: well-researched, appropriately cited, and well written / organized
- Authority: author is identifiable and has related qualifications and / or credentials / affiliated with a reputable institution
- Objectivity: minimal to no biases or affiliations with a company selling products or promoting a questionalbe agenda
- Currency: information that is recent or has been recently endorsed
- Canadian resource