Children's mental health learning series
Adolescent brain and mental health and wellness challenges for youth
The Children’s Mental Health Learning Series provides caregivers, families and professionals with helpful information to increase knowledge and help support children and youth with mental health concerns.
Part two focuses on the adolescent brain and adolescent mental health and well-being. The sessions cover a variety of topics such as youth mental illness, LGBTQ youth, suicide, and social media. The sessions are: Understanding the adolescent brain; Understanding youth mental illness;
- Building resiliency in children and adolescents
- Mental health in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered children and adolescents
- Managing children and adolescents with severe anxiety issues (A toolbox of strategies)
- Concurrent disorders treatment for children, youth, and their families
- Connected or disconnected (When media and social media affect adolescent mental health)
- Prevention, intervention, and postvention of suicide
Videos are approximately 60-90 minutes in length.
Why we’re recommending this resource
- Accuracy of information: well-researched, appropriately cited, and well written / organized
- Authority: author is identifiable and has related qualifications and/or credentials / affiliated with a reputable institution
- Objectivity: minimal to no biases or affiliations with a company selling products of promoting a questionable agenda.
- Currency: information that is recent or has been recently endorsed
- Canadian resource