Teacher focused wellness tips
Created by teachers for teachers
Teach is a resource for new or aspiring teachers looking to explore the teaching profession. It can help you explore:
- what exemplary teaching is about,
- how you can get involved in innovations shaping the future of education, and
- how to make informed choices to create a rewarding career.
Includes free one-on-one session with a current educators to answer questions about what teaching is like.
This resource offers 19 tips on how to maintain mental wellness. Tips include:
- have a “go to” list of colleagues to contact for support;
- clarify, communicate and demonstrate interest;
- elaborate on personal perspectives;
- utilize emotional intelligence when having tough conversations;
- contribute to the creation of ideas, plans and options in finding a solution;
- demonstrate active listening skills;
- establish and maintain a positive working culture;
- recognize the successes and gifts of others; know and be aware of when others need help.
This Tip Sheet was created in collaboration with the University of Western Ontario and an advisory committee of experienced educators.
Why we’re recommending this resource:
- Accuracy of information: well-researched, appropriately cited, and well written / organized
- Authority: author is identifiable and has related qualifications and/or credentials / affiliated with a reputable institution
- Objectivity: minimal to no biases or affiliations with a company selling products of promoting a questionable agenda.
- Currency: information that is recent or has been recently endorsed